Chapter 10: Up The Creek

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After the destruction of Camp Vranje, the spartans had decided to try and regroup with the remaining UNSC forces on Haven. With what little they could scrounge from the base, they managed to broadcast a signal. Scattered and static-filled, their voices were almost inaudible.

Eventually, they followed a broadcast to the last major UNSC bastion on Haven. Situated at the head of a creek, Firebase Sigma was, on a good day, nigh invisible to the naked eye, entangled in a web of vines and great towering trees. Now, the various military units camping here left a wide swathe of land packed with tents and pop-up depots.

The firebase was a simple row of barracks with a vehicle depot, radio dish and armoury. Their feet had barely touched the ground before soldiers came swarming out like ants, all to catch a fleeting glimpse of the spartans.

A sorry sight they were. Covered in ash, blood and broken armour, they little resembled the fabled heroes they were supposed to be. And yet, even in their lowest moment, smeared in mud and blood, they still garnered cheers. Hope to the hopeless. The super soldiers, giving life to those in desperate need of good news. "Spartans!" A lone marine pushed to the front of the crowd. "Private Perez, A Company! The CO's this way! Banks and I will take you to her!"

Like Moses parting the sea, the spartans passed between the massed soldiers and followed Perez and Banks into the heart of the base. Sarah sat heavily, keeping as much weight off of her leg as she could. The admiral of the Sunbreaker, Jean Ball, greeted them with tired eyes.

"Spartans. I am in need of some good news." The spartans looked at each without a word, then back to Ball. "Tell me, I must know, what happened when we left?"

Aaron began to speak but Sarah raised her hand for him to stop. "Let me do the talking. Admiral, you need to get to the battle and support the cruiser as soon as you can. Captain Hayes sent us to get help. The spires were cloaking a supercarrier!" Hissing in pain, Sarah looked at Ball. "Our plan succeeded. We took down the first carrier." When she noticed Ball eyeing up the gap in their line, Sarah added, "Not without losses."

"I understand. His sacrifice was worthy and necessary. However, I worry if I can reinforce the captain. If what you said is true, any forces would reinforce a massacre." Aaron handed Ball the note, and she scanned it. Pocketing the bloodstained sheet, she got to her feet, leaving them in silence.

"That went shit," Richard said. Everyone agreed, but Sarah still looked at him. He pretended to zip his mouth shut. "Thank you. You're right, it could have gone better for Hayes. Even so..." she drifted off, leaving Marie to finish her sentence. "The admiral clearly recognised something of note in the message. I imagine our work here is not yet complete."

Sarah sucked in breath and they all looked to her. They'd forgotten, in their haste, she was wounded. Aaron picked her up again, careful not to disturb her aggravated thigh, amongst her other wounds. "I'll take her to the medbay. You two, get yourselves sorted and turn in." he left before they could reply. Both looked at the other, shrugged and walked to have their armour prised from their body.

Sarah was faintly aware of being laid to rest in a gurney, wheeled away to a surgeon and jabbed with a needle. It all felt familiar. And not in a good way. Her mind melted into nothing as she wondered where her deja vu came from.

Images, thoughts and sounds all passed over her like a wave. She remembered her brothers, arguing over...something. She had set them straight and received applause from her father. She remembered his lectures. Lectures about "Family and duty."

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