Part 1

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Hi guys,

First of all: I cannot thank you all enough for the votes and comments you left for the teaser.

I really didn't expect this much support especially since it really was just a tiny teaser.

Actually, I am kind of scared but also super excited about what you guys might think.

While writing it, I just couldn't stop and found that it's probably better for the story to be split into multiple parts rather than keeping it a One-Shot.

So, I will change it into a chaptered story, I hope you guys are okay with it.

Then, I would like to thank SakshiJoshi9 for the help and motivation!

So, this is the first part (of I don't know how many yet).

And again: This is a completely fictional story, none of this really happened. 

Hope you'll enjoy!


Author's POV:

It has been over one year now. That's a crazy amount of time if you thought about how far they have come. Zain and Aditi were gathered in Aditi's room for another interview during one of the most intense shooting period. It was really exhausting since both of them had to shoot action scenes which required them to be outside in the blazing sun and still perform at their best. This interview therefore was exactly what they needed in order to go inside, sit down and just relax a little.

As per usual, there was a cake to be cut and they could not express how much they appreciated the fans' dedication and appreciation.

After a few questions, the interviewer asked about the first impression of each other whereupon Zain answered that they used to fight a lot in the early stages of them working together. Zain explained further that Aditi used to get upset about little things to which Aditi commented that she still gets upset sometimes.

Later that day they had to shoot back to back scenes where the Avneil confrontation in the hotel room was filmed...

By the time Aditi was home, she was beyond exhausted and just lets herself fall on her couch, closed her eyes and didn't move for a few minutes. Only when she heard her phone vibrating a few times, she opens her eyes and checks her phone. She smiles tiredly at the message sent by Jahaan saying that today Zain and herself outdone themselves. She writes a quick thank you and sits up slowly. She reflects back on the day her mind kept coming back to interview question where they asked about the first impression of Zain and her.

The memories of the early days of them working together came to her mind. She smiles when she thinks about all the times they fought about insignificant things, just because she could not understand that he was literally just an easy-going people's person. Maybe it was because she was the complete opposite. He used to bring her blood to boil by just saying small things like 'aaw, Adu' in a mocking way. Sometimes she feels like, the reason why they had instant chemistry on screen was because the bickering in the first few episodes was not only on screen but also off screen. And as their relationship developed on screen however, they also warmed up to each other off screen. Today however, it seemed like he acted a little weird towards her. She felt that something was not quite right, but maybe she was just imagining things due to exhaustion.

So, she sighs heavily and gets up to go take a shower before getting something to eat and went to bed and fell asleep immediately, exhausted from the day.

Night Changes - Adiza FFWhere stories live. Discover now