Chapter Eight

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 Harry and D.M. didn't write to each other too often after that. They wrote about the excitement of the first task, and of the Yule Ball. When Harry asked D.M. if they'd be going, they replied that they were considering going but weren't sure.

 Harry had wanted to go to the ball with Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw seeker whom he'd began to develop a crush on the year before. By the time he gotten around to asking her, though, she had already agreed to go with Cedric Diggory, something he couldn't help envying Cedric for, just a little bit.

  That's a shame (D.M. had written). I have not considered going to the Yule Ball myself, but I think I would prefer to be here at Hogwarts for Christmas. A few other students I know are staying on for  Christmas break, so I won't be lonely.

 After reading that, Harry couldn't help wondering if perhaps D.M. had a family like the Dursleys.


 The Yule Ball wasn't too great an experience for Harry.

 He'd asked Parvati Patil, a fellow Gryffindor, to go the ball with him, while Ron went her twin Padma. Parvati was nice, and seemed to like Harry, but Harry's mind kept wandering back to Cho, who was dancing happily with Cedric.

 Harry was surprised to find out that Hermione had gone with Viktor Krum. When she said she'd already been asked, Harry wasn't sure if there actually was someone. She looked happy with Viktor, but Ron was instantly jealous of the fact, which caused problems, of course.

 During all of that, Harry did manage to have time to wonder if D.M. had decided to come after all. If they were here, what would they look like? How would they act?

 At one point during the party, Harry had bumped into a couple who seemed to be standing away from everyone else. He had bumped his shoulder into that of a blonde Durmstrang boy, who gave him a sour look and said, "Be a bit more careful, will you?" with an accent Harry couldn't quite detect.

 With the Durmstrang student was another boy dressed in a dark suit, who Harry assumed was a fellow Hogwarts student, and who was giving Harry a strange look. Needless to say, Harry got away from those two as quickly as possible.


Dear D.M.,

 Merry Christmas. I hope yours is going well. Mine's okay. Hermione and Ron are still getting over an argument from last night, so things are a bit difficult right now.

 Did you go to the Yule Ball? I hope you had a good time if you did. I guess mine wasn't too bad, even though I didn't get to go with Cho, and Hermione and Ron aren't on the best terms right now.


Dear Harry,

 Glad you had a good Christmas. A lot of students I know stayed for Christmas, so I wasn't lonely in the common room this morning.

 I did go to the Yule Ball, but I didn't stay for very long. I never got a date, because I hadn't planned to going at first, so I felt a little left out.

 I'm sorry your friends had a row. Hopefully, that will work itself out soon.


Dear Harry,

 Since we haven't written since around Christmas, I thought I ought to ask how you are, since the second task is coming in a couple of weeks. Do you have any idea what it might be?

 Whatever it is, I think you can do it. If you can slay a Basilisk, I think you can handle a couple of Triwizard tasks.



 Harry was actually touched by that faith D.M. seemed to have in him. If he could kill the Basilisk, why not complete a Triwizard task?

 Harry wrote a reply to thank them, and say he was working on preparing for the second task.

 The truth of the matter was that Harry was still in touch with Sirius Black, his godfather. He had never told D.M. that he was the one who helped Sirius escape, and he hadn't planned to. Given the situation, it was best not to tell anyone.

 Harry put down the letter. He still had to get ready for the second task.

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