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I was addicted to pornography. And I'm a girl. Yes I'm a girl. I first started watching when my cousin told me that it was education. I know I'm super naive. But ever since then I was infatuated with it the noises and the movements and the thought of being treated like a submissive was a turn on. Soon I realized what I was doing and I felt ashamed that I was neglecting my more important needs to watch something disgusting. I strayed far away from God. I felt like I was in the low of the lows. Rock freaking bottom. I kept telling myself that I could quit if I wanted to but then I tried and I could never last more than a week at best. So I finally told a friend about it and it turned out she had the same problem. She put a restriction code on my phone so now I can't even look at it if I wanted to. It felt like such a relief to not have to deal with that anymore. I'm writing this not only for myself but for any other girl who has the same problem. We especially feel ashamed of it because we're supposed to be the pure ones that think it's disgusting to do anything like that. Stay strong when trying to quit it's hard but it's worth it. Sincerely, Porn Survivor

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