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Confessions: 2

Soo, how do I start this off? Oh! So when I was in elementary school, people would always bully me. I would get kicked around and pushed and called a bunch of names a lot. They would do this because I was a really sensitive child. I cried a lot. There was a certain point where I felt like there was no tears coming out because I cried to much. Another reason they did this was because of how I look. I was supposedly in their eyes an ugly, fat pig. They would always tell me not to eat lunch, breakfast and dinner and so I did what they said. I survived weeks without eating food and only drinking water. I became self conscious of what I’m eating and now too. I have developed an eating disorder. I barely eat any food now and i’m literally a stick. This is what they wanted me to be like, right?

Around fifth grade, I was still being bullied by people. Like my last confession, I still acted like that. Now that I was following what people said, I also started to hurt myself kind of. Kids at my school told me to use scissors and cut my arms with it. I didn’t want to, but they ended up cutting them for me. I was weak. Tired. Hungry. I couldn’t have done anything. After that, my vision was getting blurry and the last thing I heard was “Dont tell the teacher this.” and then I blacked out. Then after I woke up, people said that they found me in the bathroom bleeding a lot. My back was also kind of in pain too and turns out the also cut my back.
Middle school was also horrible. Same things happen. Calling me worthless. Pathetic. Stupid. Idiot. I actually felt like I was pathetic. I may be pathetic, but they didn’t know what I had to go through. I also have parents who only keep me as their slave! They only favor my younger sister. My older sister moved away because she doesn’t like playing slave, but now here I am filling in that roll. I hate. I get abused everyday. There isn’t a time where I had alone time. Because of this name calling game and abusive game I Have also gained depression. Not like anybody cared but I hated everyone. I never had any friends or people who cared about me. but hey this is life. The only that truly makes me happy is wattpad, anime and kpop.
  -Depressed self conscious emo girl who looks like a boy

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