The Purple Rock (no not really. sorry Charlotte)

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I was completely prepared for a long and hard night in the hospital wing. Al was still giving me the cold shoulder for some creepy and wierd boy reason. Scorpius was singing 100 bottles of butterbeer on the wall, Charlotte was asking me the strangest questions, Casey was holding on to her hand saying things like "its okay. Don't worry" when he was clearly the one worrying, and Isabella was musing about how funny it would have been if he died. To top it all off, Will and Ash were there interrogating me on the whole situation. Honestly, I was getting one of the biggest headaches in the world, and some point around 700 I was well on my way to wishing it was me who got hit in the head with a boulder.

Speaking of someone who got hit in the head with a boulder, Oliver looked just about the same way that he would have if he were trapped in the same room as my current company for hours. He had crimson stained bandages wrapped around his head, and a black eye. His whole face was coated with dirt and he had a cut on his cheek. Probably from being hit by a rock shrapnel.

I was the only one sitting there who was making an attempt to be quiet. Only because I was thinking about how he had asked me to help him but I hadn't done anything about it. It was my fault that he was laying there. I had fallen on him, which had started the argument, which had started the avalanche. At first I had been seriously pee'd off at Emerald for abandoning us, I figured out that she had gone for help. Still. I hated her. Maybe if she was down there she could have thrown herself in front of the rock to save him. Just like I normally do, I had forgotten about magic in my time of need. Protegro would have been a good one.....but no. I forgot it.

By the time Scorpius arrived at the 54th bottle of butterbeer on the wall, Charlotte poked me in the cheek.

"What?" I growled.

"Was it purple?" I gave her the skeptical eyes.

"Was what purple?"

"The rock!"

"NO!?" I nearly yelled, shocked at her question.


"Why would you ask that?"

"Because....that would be really cool if it was purple."

"No not really!"

"Yeah! It would have!" She was very convinced of this.

"Whatever........" I said, just staring at her. A few minutes later I lost interest in her and Casey flirting, so I scooted my chair over to Al.

"Hey." I said casually.

"What?" He snapped.

"You cant be mad at me, can you?" I was incredulous. He just ignored me.

"Oh grow up Al!" I growled. "You aren't serious??" He ignored me again. "Whatever. Just don't come crying to me next month." I said meanly.

I was really mad at him at this point because he was ignoring me for something that wasn't my fault.

I moved my chair back over to charlotte. She pulled something out of her pocket and handed it to me.

"You're sad so here." It was the resurrection stone. She had it this month and last cause I was such a nice person.

"Aww thank shoes!" I took it and stuffed it in my pocket, deciding to talk to Sirius later. I hadnt done so since I had found it. That girl was hogging it to talk to Cedric, I knew that. She was two timing Casey for Cedric and Cedric for Casey.

Seeing Madame Pomfrey I got up to escape my group of idiots. It seemed as though whenever they entered the hospital wing, some bit of the longing to visit the asylum came out.

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