Castelia Citay

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Across the Skyarrow Bridge is Unova's largest city, Castelia.  I've been in a lot of cities but from the site of the skyscrapers I see now, this may be the biggest I've ever been in.

The bridge is awfully long.   There is a highway underneath it with semis going bye and cars and everything.  Good thing I brought my bike.  There are a few people on the bridge here and there because some of them look to be couples watching boats go under the bridge.

Someday I wish I could do that with somebody who cares for me.

When I get to the gate on the other side of the bridge, I look up and at this point I can clearly see the towering buildings over head.  I open the door to the gate and talk to the receptionist who gives me a map of the city.  And it is one huge ass city let me tell you.  I give my bike to the lady and pay her to make sure nobody steals it.  I also threaten er a bit, but it's no big deal.  Then I leave the gate and I'm in Castelia city. 

All of my pokemon are healthy so I don't bother to take them to the center.  I have noticed that nobody seems to have any of their Pokemon out to walk with them.  Well oh well.

"Psst, Zorua, you can come out and walk to my side or sit on my shoulder."

Zorua jumps out and stretches her legs, "Well I probably need some exercise so I'll walk with you, what are we doing today?"

"You know I'm not very sure.  I think we'll just explore the city today and maybe battle tomorrow.  Right now we should get something to eat, I'm starving.  Hey!  I bet Cheren and Bianca are here in the city.  Maybe we can find them and grab some food.  It's about lunch time now."

"Well, maybe you should talk to them through your watch thing a ma bob.  Can't you do that?"

"You know, Zorua, you are so freaking right, I completely forgot about this stupid thing, psh, technology these days."  I give her the "one moment" finger and try and get a hold of one of them through the Xtranceiver.

Cheren's face pops up on the screen, looking a bit worried.  "What?  What is it, Leaf?  Is something wrong?"  Cheren starts to spazz out on me.

"Oh no no no, nothing is wrong, calm down.  I'm just hungry right now and where the hell are you at?"  The background behind Cheren looked like a shiny yellow substance like honey or something.  It was weird.

"Okay thank goodness.  Oh we're at the gym.  I just got my third gym badge now Bianca is trying her luck at it.  Oh so you're hungry, you say, well Bianca and I went to this great place that has food from Kanto, I bet you'd like it.  It's close to the Casteliacone stand.  You should try one of those too, they're awesome."

"So should I just head in that direction or-"

"Well this is going to take another hour or so, so I'd just explore a bit.  Ooop,"  He looks away, "Bianca needs my advice, gotta to go, talk to ya later, just meet us at the Casteliacone stand in an hour, bye bye."  He shuts his end off and I'm left with a snowy screen so I shut mine off too.

I look down at the map I got.  "Welp, looks like the ice cream stand is just down the way.  But first, I'm going to do a bit of exploring."  Zorua nods and walks in pace with me.

I'm going to check out the docks, I want to see where all the boats go to.  There is this huge cruise ship that takes up the whole side of one of the docks, and then some.  I walk over there and the receptionist sees me and scowls.  "The Royal Unova does not accept passengers until sunset.  So come back later, there's no point in buggering me about getting on."

"Hey, lady.  Drop the TUDE cause I just came up here to see what was goin on, there's no need to be all sassy."  I flip my hair like they do in movies and walk away to the next dock.

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