A Leaf in the Wind

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Aloha my friends.  I restarted my Pokemon Platinum game and I thought of this hilarious idea.  So I got up this morning and was all like Imma write a Pokemon fanfic.  I'm probably not gonna be to serious about editing it and stuff BUT hopefully this will be able to take the place of Awesomeness, Wizard Style when I'm done with that.  I will probably not post a lot until I am done with that.  But I will try my best.  I'm sure I'll get distracted by tumblr along the way.  But whatever.  I'm sure you're tired of reading this so I will let you just get to the story.

EDIT:  AND WOW SINCE THIS IS NOW IN THE POKEMON WATTY AWARDS IT WOULD BE SO INCREDIBLY FANTASTIC IF YOU VOTED FOR IT.  But I mean, only vote for it if you like it.  If ya don't like it, quit reading, but if you do... IT'D BE AWESOME IF YOU VOTED.  ;D

"But Moooooooom!  I've done this four times already!  What's the big deal if I go all the way to Unova?"  My mom wants me to wait before I leave to become the champion of the Unova region.  But I'm already the champion of Kanto, which is where we live, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh.  "Sinnoh was far away but you let me go anyway!"

"Yes, but you had your cousin Barry go with you then."  She yells from the kitchen.  I roll my eyes at that.

"Barry was a complete DORK and he was no help to me at all!"  I can hear her laugh from where I am at my computer researching the Unova region.  They have huge cities.  Way bigger than the one's here.  In the middle of the region they have this big thing it looks like a lake.  The website doesn't say anything about it so I'll just have to ask around when I get there.

"You're too young to go anyways!"  I can hear the desperation in her voice.  Was that her last card?  I'll win this argument.  I bet I can get Dad on my side.

"That's not what you said when I left here at the age of TEN, I'm SEVENTEEN now, I'm old enough to leave for a bit at least."  I get tired of sitting up and go over to my bed and lay down and stare at the ceiling.  I grab one of my Pokemon that's in its ball and throw it up to the ceiling then catch it then do it again.

"But that Ash boy was with you."  I stop throwing the Pokeball and get up and walk down the stairs to my Mom who is sitting at the kitchen table watching tv.

"Mom."  I sit down across from her. "First of all, Ash is a complete idiot.  He hasn't evolved his Pikachu, and he still looks like he's a freaking ten year old.  Secondly, HE'S GOING TO UNOVA TOO!"

Mom looks like she is thinking about her answer for a while.  "You'll have your Pokemon with you all the time right?"

"The six that I can carry, yes.  And I'll probably have one walking beside me.  That's what Ash does cause he's a little cheater.  He'll have six Pokeballs and a freaking Pikachu on his shoulder."

"Will you stick with whatever friends you make and call me or write me letters?"

"I'll stick with the people I make friends with, yes.  And I'll try and video chat with you whenever I make it to a Center alright."

"Ok, I'm okay with it now.  But you should ask your father what he thinks."   I get up and clap.  I run to the door and run over to the lab where my Dad works.

"DAD DAD!  HEY DAD!"  I run in to the lab and all the people in lab coats, and Professor Oak is starring at me, then Oak points to the far side of the room and I see Dad.  "Hey Dad,"

"Yes, Leaf?"  Yea, my name is Leaf, get over it.  It's because of my leaf green eyes.  So meh.

"Yea, Dad, ya know how Mom and I were arguing about me going to the Unova region to become champion.  Yea, well she said that it would be okay but I needed to ask you first.  So is it okay?"  I cross my fingers and bite my lip, hoping, just hoping.

A Leaf in the Wind (PKMN Watty 2nd Best Romance 2013)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora