Chapter four

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Louis P.O.V

I bowled the ball and got a strike, I turned around, putting my arm in the air and shooting it back down like when a footballer scored a goal. "Haha beat that Nic-" I cut off when I saw Nicole in the arms on Matt. What the hell was he doing here? Was he stalking her or something?

I glared at him while I sat down on the bench. Matt also had some mates with him, and they were all gawking over Nicole. I'm probably gonna lose her with the amount of guys she can attract. Why would she want someone like me? Oh shut up Louis, she said she like you! But she could also like Matt...

I looked at Zayn while he bowled, listening to Nicole's and Matt's conversation. "I thought you said you were busy?" Matt said.

"I am. I'm bowling." Nicole replied.

"You could of invited me, I would show you how to be a pro bowler!" Matt said. God I hated him! Liam was now bowling, so I pretend to watch him as I listened.

"Why are you here?" Nicole asked. "I don't mean that in a rude way, but I thought you would go to Starbucks with the girls, Harry and Niall."

"Well you weren't going, so I decided to have a boys night instead." Matt replied. I turned my head slightly over my shoulder to look at him. He had a huge grin on his face, and all his mates were still gawking at Nicole.

I walked over to Nicole and put my hand around her waist, pulling her tightly to me. "Nicole, it's your turn." I gave her a kiss on the cheek then turned to face Matt. He was glaring at me, and so were his mates.

"I'll see you later Nicole." Matt said turning away. His mates followed him like a child followers their mother around the supermarket. I dropped my hand from Nicole's waist before someone saw, and went back to sit on the bench. Nicole went up and took her two bowls, then she came and sat down next to me.

"You're rather cute when your jealous you know." Nic said smiling at me.

"I am not jealous!" I said, a bit quicker than I should have.

"Oh please! I saw you sat here, you were all tense and uncomfortable!" She said and her words were true. I looked to the ground when she began to speak again. "Lou, there is no need to be jealous. I only like Matt as a friend, I like you much more than that." I looked at her and smiled. She was right there was no reason to be jealous, but I still hated Matt.

We finished bowling and headed back to Liam's flat. On the way we grabbed a McDonald's. We reached Liam's flat and went in. We all sat on the couch, me and Nic got one to ourselves. Nicole pulled her legs up onto the couch and rested her head on my lap. I smiled, she was the most amazing girl I've ever been with.

Nic kept stealing my fries and chicken nuggets, but I didn't mind. I just smiled and stroked her hair. We've only been dating for a day, but it feels like we've been dating for ever. Nicole soon fell asleep so I picked her up and carried her to bed. I pulled back the covers of her bad and placed her down, then I took off her shoes and pulled the cover back over her.

"Goodnight Nicole." I whispered and kissed her on the forehead. I turned off her bedroom light and left her room, closing the door behind me.

Nicole P.O.V

I shifted unaccountably in my bed. I sat up and saw that I was still in the cloths I wore yesterday. Wow, I've got to stop falling asleep like that. I got up and had a shower and blow dried my hair, then I got changed into a tube top with a checked jacket over the top, and some jeans and Vans.

I walked into the kitchen and found a note from Liam:


I've gone to get food,

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