Chapter one

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I could hardly breath. The impact was so rough on my ribs that I was gasping for air. I was on my hands and knees, breathing in the oxygen around me when I looked up into her furious eyes. My mother had a bottle of beer in one hand, and on her other, my blood.

My mother took a swig of her drink, never taking her eyes away from me. I could hardly believe she use to be nice once. That was before dad died. My dad was coming home late one night after a meeting at work, he ran into a bunch of guys and it turned into a bloody fight. My dad ended up dying with several knife wounds. That's when my mother turned into a monster.

"It was your fault!" She would say. "You're worthless, always have been, always will be. Not caring about anyone but yourself!" She would scream this to me every night. Never letting me forget it. Sometimes I believed her, sometimes I fought against her. She always ended up winning.

My mum walked over to me, pulled me up by my hair only to shoved me back to the ground. I winced at the pain. "You stupid girl." She hissed slapping me across the face - witch was already bruised form previous slaps.

She yanked me up from the floor and pinned me to the wall by my throat. My hands struggled against hers, trying to rip them free from my body. I never seceded. "Mum." I whispered through the tight grasp she had on me, "please, please stop!"

Still having hold of my neck, she flung me across the landing. The amount of effort she put into the throw made me fall down the stairs. I was crashing and screaming as my head hit the steps. The crashing of my head hitting the ground stopped, and I was now lying at the bottom of the stairs. There was only one thing I could do. Ignoring the pain that shot through me, I jumped up and ran for the phone that was placed on the coffee table in the messy living room. I didn't care where I ended up, I couldn't live here any more! My mother sensed what I was doing and I herd her begin to make her way down the stairs.

I dialed '999' on the phone, and they picked up almost instantly. "999, whats your emergency?" The operator asked.

"Police! Quick, my mother is trying to kill-" My words broke off as her hand pulled me by my hair and pushed me to the ground. She slapped me again and placed her foot on my tummy, pressing in deeper, I groaned at the pain she caused me.

"That was a stupid thing to do." She hissed as she took another sip of her drink. The pain was to much, black dots began to from in my eyes. The last thing I herd were sirens off in the distance before I passed out from the pain.

My eyes fluttered open, at first I saw white then my vision began to form. After a while, so did my hearing. Beep...Beep...Beep. Was all I herd. I turned my head and saw the heartbeat monitor, I looked down at my arms and they had wires sticking out of them. I was in a hospital. Great.

There was a faint knocking at the door and a nurse entered. She smiled at me and checked my heartbeat. "How are you feeling Miss Payne?" She asked with a heart warming smile.

"Fine." I said, I didn't know how I really felt.

"Well if it ok with you, PC Smith would like to ask you a few questions about the other night." The nurse said and I nodded. What had happened last night, or what ever night it was. The nurse left and then a police office entered.

"Hello Miss Payne, I'm PC Smith. I would like to ask you a few question about the other night." He said sitting down in the chair by my bed, I gave him a nod. "Well fist, we have arrested your mum on physical abuse and attempted murder." I nodded. It didn't surprise me, and to be honest I was happy, she wont beat me every night now. "How longs has the abuse been going on for?" PC Smith asked me.

I inhaled deeply, "about a year." That was the time it took her to star drinking and somehow realize it was my fault my dad died.

PC Smith nodded. "And how did this all start?" He asked.

"My dad was murder, she started drinking and took it out on me." I replied. Why was I telling him this exactly? I didn't know him, I should't trust him, should I?

"Why didn't you contact the police earlier about all this?"

I took a wile to think this through. "I was scared about what she would do to me, and where I would end up." I said.

PC Smith nodded again. "Right. Well speaking of where you will end up, we ave put you into the care of you closets relative. He is still quite young but he is old enough to take you in, anyway, you're mature enough now all you need it a place to sleep really."

"Who is he?" I asked. I never really talked to my relatives. I wasn't even sure I had any!

"His name is Liam Payne, he lives in London so you will be flying there tomorrow morning." He said and stood up. "Get better soon, and if anything else happens call the police!" PC Smith walked out of the room, leaving me by myself.

I left the hospital the next morning. I was now in a taxi on the way to my house to pack for my relocation. The taxi driver stopped outside my house, he said he would give me fifteen minuets. I opened the unlocked front door and walked inside my abounded house. Glass was everywhere, so were knifes and beer bottles. I walked up the stairs and went into my room, under my bed was a bag, I bent down picking it up. "Ow." I said and put my had to my ribs, they were going to take a while to heal.

I put everything that was in my wardrobe -witch wasn't a lot- into the bag, wincing at the pain as I did this. I grabbed my bathroom stuff and my make-up. I combed through my hair before putting the brush in the bag. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I hatted what I saw. Bruised cheeks, red eyes, swollen lip. This was not the Nicole Payne I knew. This was someone else.

The honk of the car horn made me leave the house. I put my bag back in the taxi and got in, leaving the house I grew up in, and almost died in behind. I arrived at the airport, payed the taxi driver and went in. There was a ticket reserved for me, witch I though was weird but I didn't object to it.

The plane journey took about an hour, so I arrived in London at about 11:45am. I got off the plane, grabbed my bag and went to find Liam. I went through a couple of people to see a guy signing a girls t-shirt. When he looked up he held out a piece off cardboard with the my name on it.

Liam had straight brown hair and brown eyes, he was wearing a light blue shirt and some jeans. He looked about 18 or 19, I gave him a little smile, and he returned it.

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