Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV SHow. (9)

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"Dylan, if you go any higher you'll flip over the swing set. And I'd be very upset." He said, laughing.

I dragged my feet on the ground and jumped off. "All right, sit down."

He looked at me warily. "What are doing?"

"Stop being a fraidy cat and sit down!"

"Okay..." He walked around and sat in the seat. I started pushing him.

"Isn't this supposed to be the other way around?"

"That, my wolfy friend, is a stereotype that I'm hoping to break." I pushed him harder. "Dude. You're heavy."

"It's what keeps me alive during fights."



"What else can you tell me?"

"A lot."

"Then get to talking mister."

He jumped off the swing and landed perfectly on his feet. I walked around and sat in the swing that he was in and he came and started pushing me again.

"Well..." His phone rang. He frowned and stuck his hand into his pocket, answering it. "Yep?" Pause. Then, "Now?" Pause. "All right, all right, I'll be over there in a minute. Bye." He flipped the phone shut and looked at me. "I have to go, my beta's calling a meeting for some reason."

"Okay then, what am I supposed to do about it?"

"You could come."

"I think I'll pass. I have to get home and stop my aunt from calling my mother about my mental breakdown."

"Your mom's alive?"

"Fully functioning and whiny, thank you."

"You don't really talk about her that much...or your dad," he observed. I shrugged. "It's a lot to talk about."

"I've got time." He sat back down.

"You have a meeting to go to."

"They can't really start the meeting without me, can they?"

"Why not?"

"I'm the alpha." He said it casually. I looked at him dumbly. "Oh. Well, you're a really nosy alpha."

"Dylan..." He gave me a look.

"What? It's true."

He kept on giving me that same, crazy look.

I sighed. "Fine. My mom and my dad are polar opposites. I got my temper from my dad, who's a redhead. My mom is obsessive though. She likes money, and he likes art--"

"Like you."

"Like me."

"Daddy's girl?"

"Do you want me to tell you my history or not!?!"

"Go on."

I huffed. "Anyways, I think the only reason my mom stayed with my dad is because she didn't want to leave him and then have him become rich and famous without her. Eventually, it paid off. He struck gold making those little commercials, you know, like Red Bull? Now, they're happy traveling the world. And me? I'm the Tempermental One. And if my mom finds out I cried, or I got hurt or anything like that, she'll come down here and coddle me. And I'll get mad and throw something...probably at her. Anyways, that's pretty much it."

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