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The Filipinos have a very passionate relationship with food. While the Philippines is considered a developing country, Filipinos find ways to still enjoy food without costing an arm and a leg. If you are ever visiting the country, the best way to understand the Filipino food culture is by looking to the streets.

Since Filipinos have a constant love affair with food, it is impossible to die of hunger in the Philippines. Street food vendors can be found practically everywhere - outside school, beside the church, at the street corners, inside jeepney or bus terminals, etc. They are popular to people from all walks of life - but especially to the one who has to keep a tight budget. Street food is extremely expensive. It's a great experience to try out cheap and delicious Filipino food.

There are many street foods in the Philippines and most often, the ones you would encounter would depend on the region you are visiting.

Fish ball is probably one of the most popular fried street foods you may find. It is made out of pulverized fish meat and formed into a flat, round shape. Many fish ball vendors also offer other types of fried balls like chicken balls and squid balls. There are also many types of dipping sauces to enjoy.

Fish ball contains batter with minced malunggay and carrots.

When parents tell their children to eat their vegetables, it tends to be met with moans and groans around the dinner table. Sure, there are those children who somehow like eating their vegetables, but a great majority of them do throw fits when faced with a bowl of greens they have to finish. But that struggle happens with good reason-those greens really are very good for one's health.

One of the vegetables that seem to not get enough attention is the humble malunggay. It is not exactly the most popular vegetable but it is nutritious it can really be.

The researcher tried to find ways to use malunggay in a product where children and students will embraced it. Here comes the fish balls, the common food found in every streets. Young ones loved to eat fish balls because of it's affordable price. The researcher used malunggay as an added ingredient in fish ball.

Street foods are paired with drinks and common drinks are sago't gulaman, flavored juices and buko juice. Drinks play important roles in human culture for it is the basic function of satisfying thirst. Filipinos are fond on drinking hard drinks and even flavored juices which uses magic sugar. This is not beneficial and even not nutritious to all. As for looking for a new taste of street food drink, the Researchers find lemon grass as the main ingredient for the said street food drink.

Cymbopogon citratus drink was not yet sold in the market so the Researchers explored it's uses. This drink comes from lemon grass stalks and/or leaves, boiled rapidly with sugar, letting it cool and served with iced cubes.

While gloriously basking in delicious Filipino food in the streets would be a wonderful adventure but be cautious, street foods are notorious for causing stomach problems. The best way to enjoy street food is to bring loads of friends with you.


This research paper aimed to modernized the ordinary street foods. These modern street foods was hoping to attract consumers by adding healthy ingredients such as malunggay, carrots and lemon grass. The purpose of this research study is to answer the following questions:

1. Is the taste of malunggay suitable for Fish ball?

2. Is the lemon grass suitable as Drink?

3. Will the consumer embrace the Moringa Oleifera Fish ball and Cymbopogon Citratus Drink as a modern Street food?

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