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In making this research study, the researchers used gadgets to capture and record informations. They also prepared cooking utensils and equipments in order to finished the product.

In cooking, ingredients should be at the top list.

Here are the ingredients for Fish ball:
•Flaked fish
•Cooking oil

•Boil fish for 3-5 minutes in water with taste
•Strain and put it in a bowl Remove the head, entrails, skin and bones. Flaked the fish
•Peel and minced the carrots, onions, garlic and malunggay. Mix and combine the flaked fish
•Add eggs, salt, pepper, seasonings and flour
•Mash and form into balls
•Deep fry in hot cooking oil

Drinking lemon grass juice on a regular basis is an ideal way to detox your body.

•Lemon grass stalks
•Calamansi juice
•Ice cubes
•Unflavored gelatin

•Set aside gelatin mixture until it cooled down
•Heat water in a large pan over flame. Add lemon grass stalks and simmer for 5-8 minutes
•Strain well into pitcher. Add sugar and calamansi juice
•Stir well until dissolved
•Allow it to cool completely
•Add iced cubes and sliced gelatin. Serve.

In conducting interview, the researchers went to the house of the respondent and conducted a face-to-face imterview. There were semi-structured questions and every answers were recorded for data collection

In interpreting the data, researchers listened to the recorded answers and listed it on a sheet of paper to be encoded afterwards.

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