Day 20. Grantiare

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     Enjolras was in front of the café giving in empowering speech when Grantiare said;

"French? Who's French?" He said drunkenly.

"Well, we are French..." Said Jehan.

"But we are talking about the French army we are going to fight." Said Enjolras.

"Red! Blood! Blue! Green!" Sang Grantiare.

"Grantiare! You're completely off topic!" Shouted Joly.

"Lalalalalallaaaaaa!" He sang.

"Why is he apart of this group?" Asked Comberferre.

"Because he believes what we do, and we need as many people as we need." Said Enjolras.

"Do we really need him?" Asked  Comberferre.

"Yes!" Said Enjolras.

    That's when Éponine walked in.

"Sorry I am late! Did I miss anything?" She asked.

"Funny or important?" Asked Courfeyrac.

"Um...important?" Said Éponine.

"Nothing." Said Jehan, "Enjolras started a empowering speech, but Grantiare cut him off."

"Okay?" Said Éponine.

A\N that's all I could get for today! Happy Reading!!!

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