Day 1.Introduction

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A\N this takes place right after "A Heart Full Of Love" and "Attack  on Rue Plummet" in the Broadway version.
Dedicated to doctorandriver who created this.

    I walked down the dark, quite streets of paris , rain pouring down. I walked sadly as I thought of the last bit of happiness I had, slowly being taken away from me.

  Let me back up,  My name is Éponine Thénardier. But I'd rather not be known as a Thénardier, I hate my parents and they hate me. My drunken father and lazy mother. When I was younger I was there little doll, all I did was sit still, look pretty and help around the inn my parents ran. But now I'm to old to be there little doll, now all I do is help them steal and lie.I don't mind my siblings though, at least my little brother Gavroche and my little sister Azelma.

     Besides them there is only one person I've ever loved: Marius. But sadly he has fallen in love with another girl, and the saddest part is its Cosette; a girl my parents "watched over" when we were younger, because her mother had to work. Then (after her mother died) a man called Jean ValJean took her off to a castle on a cloud.

     Suddenly I bumped into someone; my mother.


"What are you doing you..."

"Nothing" I cut her off.

"Nothing? Well your father needs you, go!" She said.

        I walked off. My mother mumbled something, but I wasn't sure if I even wanted to hear what she had said.

A\N I know this was short but here's day one! Also I think kayla6704 should do this challenge. You can find it on doctorandriver s account. Also dont worry there wont be an   A\N on all the chapters. That's all see you tomarrow .


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