Day 15.Courfeyrac

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    Courfeyrac walked into the Café. Enjolras was there along with Marius.

"Hey Courf' come, sit! We are planning!" Said Enjolras.

"Okay... Why are we the only ones?" Asked Courfeyrac.

"We were the only ones that could come." Explained Marius simply.

    Courfeyrac sat down and they began talking.

"Any important business?" Asked Enjolras.

"I meet the most beautiful girl..." Said Courfeyrac.

"Courf!" Cried Marius.

"Yes, she had long hair and was very easy to talk too and..."

"I mean for the revolution!" Said Enjolras.


"Okay... So I was thinking that..."

    Soon Courfeyrac stopped listening. He was the flirt of the group, though he loved the Les Amis he sometimes just couldn't keep women off his mind. The girl he had meet, her name was Juliet. She had long dark hair fair skin and blue eyes. Courfeyrac was pretty good at flirting so of course he talked to her. He had said the was beautiful and all the normal stuff like that. She was beautiful, but Courfeyrac spent so much time with girls he didn't know who "The One" was supposed to be.

"Do you agree? Courfeyrac! Do you agree?" Asked Enjolras.

"What?...a... yeah..." He answered.

They continued planing.

A\N yeah I know some of these really suck but the only time I really get time to write its already ten or so... Sorry. Happy reading!

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