great news

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"Oh great." I whispered as I open my eyes to wake up in a completely unfamiliar place. Oh, I remember this is Cheryl's condo. I thought...ughh but why does it hurts?

"Ronnie, finally you're awake! You are so wasted. I think you've hit a jackpot past night!" Cheryl said excitedly to me

 I think you've hit a jackpot past night!" Cheryl said excitedly to me

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"Oh freaking noooo. I don't remember anything except me drinking too much." Trying to remember things but one thing I know: I danced with someone hot and we had sex.

O.M.G. NO. Fuck.

"Of course, dumb cow. That was your goal—to forget. But, I'm telling you right now that he's a god. He called me using your phone to pick you up."

"Oh. After that? He just dropped me like a trash?" I asked her.

"After what?" She smirked then she added, "He said he needs to go home after I went to your hotel room. His voice is sooooo— never mind he's yours and his friend is mine."

"Wow just now, you're so into them and you're not thinking about me?" I said because what if he has—omg. Veronica Lodge, what did you do?

"This can't be happening." I said as I panicked. Where are my pearls? Ugh.

"Oh he's clean if that's what you are worried about. Definitely duh. That club is only for rich kids with connection. His ticket and this hotel room is for VVIP." I exhaled feeling relieved.

It was a freaking mistake. I was too reckless because of that freaking news I was out of my mind.

"I forgot the mention my news to youuuu." I said sadly to her and she looks at me like I'm a weirdo or what

"Wow. Veronica Lodge is acting like a crap. Is this happening?" 

"Because I'm a mess. I hate my life." She looked at me intensely like I've said something strange.

"Hmmm. This is new. You hate your life?" And she laughed before her phone interrupted our conversation. "Wait. Mom is calling."

I suddenly got curious who was the boy last night and damn i hate myself for approaching him first. I can saw glimpses of the scenes last night but not entirely.

I remember me begging for his touch. Desperate move. I wish I'd never see him again. For the first time ever in my life, I am ashamed.

I waited for her and I can hear that she's arguing with her mom. She looked sad and it's like her heart was broken.

"So, what's the look on your face?" I asked her "Well, two things I'm sad about: I'm leaving and Nana's sick." she said and she hugged me.

"When and where? Why so sudden?" I said continuously because loosing a very great best friend was so tragic. We're the best duo ever and we're a perfect match: ice and fire.

"I'm going back to Riverdale with my brother. Nana's sick and Jason needs a new school he did something terrible." She said then she adds, "I'm totally fine. In fact, I'm amazing."

I smiled genuinely, "Yes, this is perfect."

"Why is that? I'm leaving like legit tomorrow back to our mansion and you're here in front of me smiling like a creep. I'm leaving New York for real, Ronnie." She said with a bitch tone

"Because Cheryl Bombshell Blossom, I'm supposed to tell you last night that I'm leaving too because of Dad's business. Because we're going to Riverdale too." She put her hand on her mouth acting so excited and shocked and then we screamed because of excitement.

Riverdale, we'll rock you down.

Before, we are leaving I went to shop on my own because first, of course, I know I'll never see these shops at Riverdale.

And then I have a date with Steve, the boy that I've been seeing for a month now. I need to forget what just happened yesterday. It keeps haunting me like a ghost.

The way I danced with him a in sensual and erotic way, the way I walked to him, the way he kissed me, the way I responded, the way our bodies touched each other, the way—THIS IS KILLING ME. I NEED A DISTRACTION.

So yeah.

Tbh, I was thinking about the fact that I gave up my V-card to a freaking stranger. That's what's bothering me. AND YES. IT'S A BIG DEAL TO ME.

For someone who's lived in the city since birth, liberated and party girl—this is not normal. 

I don't want to give myself to anyone around me. Virginity is a social construct, I know. But I wanted my first to be special. I wanted it to be with someone special to me. Sadly, it's a stranger.

Even Cheryl didn't ask about it. I think she knows that I'm not taking this as an important thing.

Yes, I kiss and make out with a lot of boys that I date but that's it. Just that. Really that. I know my limitations. However, last night, fuck it. I gave it up with the influence of alcohol, dance and hotness.

"Hey Vee, what do you say?" I went back to myself facing this handsome boy. Oh, I forgot. I spaced out thinking a lot of things.

"Of course. What is it again?" I asked him like I'm into him or into these boring conversation about him, him and his life.

"I said let's meet again tomorrow. Let's move on the next level, let's be official." He said and I stared at him with the are you kidding me look.

I smiled, "Oh babe, I can't. I only want things temporarily and I'm leaving the city. We're over." I said with no feelings

"Fine. As you wish, your father's a criminal anyway." He said and I stared at him as cold as ice

"Babe, you don't know a thing so shut the fuck up. And boys like you are trash anyway, your personality sucks." I said as I look him with the bitchest look I've ever had then I spill my fave tea in his shirt, what a waste of money!

Ughh. He seemed so kind and cute but he's acting like a boyfriend to me these days. I actually like him at first and then suddenly he acts so clingy even in texts and calls.

And today he's an asshole. Where do I find nice boys anyway? That's why I don't want to have a boyfriend or a significant someone, they transform into someone I don't know.

But he's really handsome, what a waste if his personality sucks then the face of the boy in the club flash into my mind. Damn, he's more handsome and hotter.

Omg. Is Veronica Lodge super interested in that boy? For real? Oh fucking no.

No, Vee.

the bad boy and i ; jughead x veronica ; jeronica ; vughead Where stories live. Discover now