The Queen's Saga

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Her life was different before she rose to the throne after being wed to Asgore. She never expected this to be her life after she and the other Monsters had moved to the surface. She had been alone in the Ruins for so long, only comforted by the occasional human child or Monsters that roamed. Now, she was living a peaceful life with all her children, even her two dead ones alive again. And she was now currently dating a nice, selfless skeleton.

Her maiden name was Toriel Korinna. She was born to a goat lady and a wolf man. She highly resembled her mother, but had a few aspects from her father: Sharp teeth and claws as well as ruby eyes.

As a child, she was beloved by all who met her, and she loved everyone. Her kind and gentle spirit grew up in the right hands. She did have the occasional bully, but she was able to resolve the issue by simply ignoring them.

It wasn't long before she learned to make pie from her father but had also gained a somewhat motherly personality. She often fretted over her friends when she found them either troubled or having a bad day. There were often times when she grabbed a napkin and wiped their mouth when some sauce came out. It was rather adorable in all honesty.

"She gets it from her mother" her father mused one time.

Her life was perfectly fine until the war. By then, she was nearing her teen years. She knew that humans would have some issues with Monster kind, but she never expected it to go this far. During the battle, her family was caught in the crossfire as an innocent group. She didn't see much, but her father tried to fight them off as her mother carried her as fast as she could from the scene. When she couldn't go on anymore and they were already near, she tried to give her comfort.

Rather than killing the child outright, they kept her as a captive. They thought that if they could figure out what made Monsters strong, they could wipe them out easily. They took Toriel, and several other Monsters they captured, preferably child or teen.

For a long time, the young Monster sat in a separate cage like the others. She could see the oppression in plain sight. Children were whimpering and crying, calling out for their parents. The teens were trying to avoid showing fear. She saw one called Grillby, but he seemed rather shy and quiet.

She was so scared of what happened. She was just a child. Now, she was alone and afraid. What did she do to deserve this? What did any of them do to deserve this? She was on the very edge of breaking and believing in kindness before she remembered what her mother told her.

"You're too kind for this world, my little buttercup" she tearfully told her before her Soul was met with a sword.

She felt a small tear trickle down her cheek as she recomposed herself. "And I won't let them change it"

It broke her heart to see what they were doing to all those children. When they used her, she had been blinded. She was crying her heart out from the pain and trauma. She didn't know what they were gonna do next, but then she heard screams that weren't her own. It was then dead silent.

"Hey, are you okay?" a small voice was heard.

She could tell it was male, and young. She wanted to speak, but she couldn't with her current condition. She let out a faint whimper. She felt a bustle of small paws like her own fret over to unstrap her from the torture table before she felt restriction lifted and helped up to stand.

"Oh my! You poor thing! Did they do this to you?" he yelped when he noticed.

She could only nod weakly. She felt small, soft paws land on where her eyes were. She was confused before she felt a warm, comforting glow emit from them. It wasn't until they parted from her did she understand what happened.

My Love and YoursTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon