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Frisk flinched as soon as the last memory ended. She stared at the angry demon before her. She didn't notice it before, but now that it was brought up, she saw it. She saw the same collar on her neck, and the spikes seemed to glow like the eyes of the wearer. Chara had dropped the wall and stared at her with eyes of hate and anger. They glowed to their mad crimson and were growing slightly wet.

"Chara, I..." the human tried.

"You what, Frisk? Lied to me? Turned everyone I loved against me? Turned me into the one thing I was scared of?"

"Kid" Sans spoke up, shocked by the revelation himself. "Is that true?"

"Go ahead, Frisk. Tell them: Did you RESET after the Pacifist Route and made everyone including me think that I did this for fun?"

Frisk looked at those around her. Sans was surprised while Flowey seemed to be shaking. Gaster was grinning. Chara just stood there, waiting for her answer.

Frisk took a deep gulp. The truth was out. "Yes"

Sans' eyes turned black completely while Flowey's widened. Gaster nodded as he beckoned for Chara to come over when she looked his way.

"You only gave me that 'second chance' because I did it for you. I saved them, but you destroyed me. Don't come for me" she spat at the ground, almost hitting Frisk's shoe before going to Gaster.

Frisk shook her head as she tried to get to her. "Chara, wait!"

"Take me away, Gaster" the demon held onto the skeleton's hand.

His eyes glowed, one blue while the other red. He let Chara bury her face in his chest before speaking. "Very well"

Before anyone could react, he teleported them both away. Frisk just stared at the place where they were. She lied to her. She lied to all of them. There was no way she could look at her now, not after all that. She was going to tell her the truth at some point, but it went so well that she was scared to say. Now, the truth was out and in the worst way ever.

"Frisk" Sans spoke up, snapping her out of her thoughts. He walked over to her, his blue eye glowing while Flowey was giving her his death glare. "You got a lot of explaining to do"

That was a long while. Frisk had confessed to everything that happened. She had to explain to some others as well. But all in all total, they knew one thing. Frisk was the one who chose the Genocide paths; Chara was only trying to ERASE it so she could wipe away her acts. Because she refused, she knew she saw her as a threat. Frisk then just took advantage of her power and used it to make Chara take the blame. She had to make sure everyone else believed it so she had to alter some memories. She only came down so she could get Flowey and the demon was an accident. She only took it upon herself to reform her from the damage she had caused. 

"I should've just told you" Frisk looked down in shame.

"You turned me against my best friend and sister and turned her into a monster. I knew I should've just killed you when I had a feeling something was up" Flowey growled.

"If I didn't make that promise to Toriel, YOU'D BE DEAD WHERE YOU STAND" Sans gave his blue eye glare at her.

She knew from those looks and words that they were both really livid. They both shared a look before Sans picked Flowey up and teleported away. She didn't deserve their forgiveness, not after all that she had put them through.

She looked down as she sat on the log. The log was hallow, like what she felt with her actions. She had caused so much pain and torture, destroyed so many bonds. She had done it time and time again just because she was bored. She had abused her power. Now, all her deeds had caught up to her. And with it, she lost the one person that she actually loved.

And that person was now with someone else out there, plotting for their revenge.


"I don't blame you" Gaster spoke up.

"Glad to hear it" Chara sighed.

They had just moved into a house. There were two bathrooms, two bedrooms, a dining area, a living room, a basement, a lawn, and a swimming pool. Gaster had chosen it for the occasion. He may as well get a nice place if he was going to share it with a very powerful girl. He made sure the furniture was just right. Don't ask how he got any of it.



"We're going to make her feel everything she had done, right?"

"Of course. I want her to suffer as much as you do"

She nodded before asking again. "Do you think she loved me?"

He paused for a bit before sighing. He went up to her and put a hand to her cheek. "If she did, she wouldn't have done any of this"

She nodded before motioning for a hug, which he complied. He was a little bony, but she knew Sans. She checked on her Soul to find it was back to black-red, meaning a mix of HATE and DETERMINATION. No doubt she had to keep at it. She began to feel tired from the day. Gaster seemed to sense it as he gently picked her up and over to her room. 

He then left her when she assured him she would be fine. She felt at her collar for her own assurance. The spikes felt a bit warm when she touched them. She nodded before plopping down on her bed and letting sleep take her. 

She won't be above consequences

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