New Lives

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"So, you mean to tell me that you are paid to kill people?" Gaster asked one man when he was out. He was in a club, looking for a suitable target. He happened upon one just by sensing the LV in their Soul. This particular one had a lot of it in him.

"Yeah, the hitman business is easy and all, but pays a lot. Just give me the name of the person, a photo, and I will have a bullet right through their head by the end of the day" the human spoke. It was a man with a black leather jacket and black shirt and brown pants. He was blonde and in his prime.

"You pay people to kill a person for you, that's new" he mused. Things sure have been different the last he heard about Humans.

"Yeah, but why are you asking me this? You got someone you want dead?"

Gaster smirked. "No, but I'll take you to the hirer right now"

The man smirked at that. "And how much do they pay?"

"Oh, a lot"


Chara was bored in the house that day. There wasn't much to do. She helped herself to some chocolate that Gaster got for her. She played a bit with some electronics. Now, she went for a dip in the pool, putting on the new swimsuit she picked out. It was green with a yellow stripe across it and had some frills around it.

She was doing a beautiful butterfly stroke underwater. It was nice to be around the water in the pool. There was some background music playing around from the speakers. It calmed her and gave her a sense of tranquility. The bathing suit also helped with movement as she felt she was free. The only other thing she wore was the collar Gaster put on her, but it had an aura around it which kept it dry.

Right then, Gaster came back in with a hitman guy. He called to her. "Chara, my dear, come out! I brought someone you would like to meet!"

Chara surfaced from the water. "Pretty song, isn't it?"

"There's been so much good music made in the last centuries since I saw this land" Gaster assured her with a smile. "When I made this playlist three days ago, I discovered something called a Jazz standard"

"All my favorites are ironically the love songs" she smiled. "When somebody loves you..."

Something about her singing the first lyrics suddenly entranced the man, though Gaster just listened with pride. The collar's spikes suddenly began to glow as she sang. Soon, the hitman's eyes matched the red glow of the spikes as he slowly walked down to the pool with the demon.

"I see you like the new collar" Gaster smiled.

With one hand, the demon felt at it with a smile. "I love it. It never gets wet and gives me magic abilities. It's also way more comfy than my last one"

"Velvet and fine leather, only the best for what's mine" he then got worried. "I don't want to damage your neck as well as your hands"

She peered down at them. She had removed the bandages for now, but scars were visible. "I'll be fine"

"You enjoy this, don't you?" Gaster asked as he bent down to eye level with the demon.

"I don't know. You're the one who can get in my head, you tell me"

"I wish the others had your sense of fun"

"They're idiots, believing in who seems the most innocent. But now, we must put our plan to action, starting with gaining more LV" she then put her hands on the man's shoulders. "When somebody loves you..." She slowly bent him down into the water until he was submerged completely. "It's no good unless they love you..." he offered no resistance as the air in his lungs slowly came out via bubbles.

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