The Adventure to Recover her Lost Love: Part 3 (draft)

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They frantically barged into Alibaba's house and locked the door quickly. "So, why are the King's guards looking for you?" Aladdin said out of breath, Morgianna grabbed a chair and sat down getting ready to explain it all to Aladdin. "It all started when I was kicked out of my own village-" "What as it for?" interrupted Alibaba from coming out of his kitchen. Morgianna jumped in shock and almost fell over, off the chair she was sitting on. Alibaba took a seat and gave Morgianna his attention so she can continue her story. "Anyways, I was kicked out of my own village because my family has committed some kind of treason and the fact that they died right after made me have to take their punishment. I was thrown out and forced to find a new place to live, but I ended up lost in a neverending desert and I  felt like she was about to die as the blazing yellow-orange sun, dried me out of my energy and I hadn't eaten or drank in 2 weeks. Then I saw the same place I was kicked out of, welcoming me back in, but when I reached out to it, it all disappeared like magic. I then started to fall over and collapsed on the dry hard mellow sand." (most of this is just from chapter one but changing the point of view) They sat there as she explained as they became more curious about Morgianna. "What did your parents do?" Asked Aladdin, " They attacked 3 out of the 5 leaders and killed them, so I'm banished for life and I'm not allowed to return or I'll be killed." Morgianna said slightly upset but continues to finish her story.

To Be Continued

 Hello Arias here, welcome to Another one of my cringy author notes. This is my next chapter but incomplete for I have to get ideas of how to continue the story and write each chapter. I do hope you will enjoy this chapter and each one after it as much as you enjoyed the previous ones, I love all of you dear readers.
Love, Arias Ousawwa II

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