The Adventure to Recover her Lost Love(Part 2)

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Morgianna walked for 4 ½ days to the Northwest part of town she just had to find Sinbad,she asked the village people were Sinbad lived they all said "Sinbad lives in the palace at the top of the first hill.""He must be rich, he might want me as a slave. The moment I walk in" Morgianna thought to herself determinedly, she saw many posters with the words "The Adventures Of Sinbad At theaters near you" she kept moving till she saw a big golden like palace with nice buff guards around the entire building."I have come to see the dungeon slayer known as Sinbad" Morgianna said to one of the guards"Who might you be?" the guard asked very rudely."Just tell Sinbad that a person named Scott Williams sent me"Morgianna ordered the guard,the next thing she knows it she sees a medium sized boy with freckles and a white bandanna around his mouth (Jared is so cute people call him,freckled Jesus) greeting her with "My name is Jared it's nice to meet you Morgianna." As they walked up the stairs and down the hallway she noticed no slaves only servants but, didn't look as bad as she did."You must be Morgianna its a pleasure to meet you,I'm Sinbad."said a fine perfect pitched voice,a young man with long blueish purple hair walked out wearing a long golden lined robe decorated with jewels and beads."Tell me where I can find the 'slave freer'." Morgianna said demanding"Why would someone as pretty as you want some like the slave freer?" Sinbad said flirty as he had a look in his eyes."Just tell me were to find him"Morgianna said slightly aggravated from how long he is taking to answer her "Ohh a feisty one you are...sure I'll tell you,...go to the country of winged people and ask for the most rudest man that came to the area and you will know where to go from there." Sinbad said explaining the answer to Morgianna's question"Now that wasn't to hard,thank you I should be on my way.""Wait!take this map to find a hidden passage I found, it will make it a quicker trip." Sinbad said as he threw a map roll at Morgianna. Morgianna catches the map and walks away from the building. Morgianna firstly looks for Aladdin and Alibaba to tell them she is leaving town for awhile. She first found Aladdin in a very weird place, the hood part of the city about to get socked in the face. Morgianna kicks the crap out the guy and saves Aladdin from getting punched in the face "Thanks Morgianna" Aladdin said thankfully while smiling brightly at Morgianna"No problem Aladdin" Morgianna said with no emotion. "Can you help me find Alibaba I can't find him anywhere?"Aladdin asked Morgianna "Have you checked his house?""I don't know where he lives."*deep breath*I guess I'll show you"Morgianna said slightly annoyed. As they started to head to Alibaba's house they saw many weird people around the town."SHOOT! we have to hide!"Morgianna said quietly as she pulled Aladdin out of the open road."What's wrong *Morg?"The King's guards are looking for me in town, we have to move fast."Morgianna said frantically"Okay, but why would the King's guards be looking for you?""I'm a runaway slave from the King's palace." Morgianna explained as they ran to Alibaba's house.

Hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry for being so late on this chapter, I have just been very busy with school work, Forgive me. Over this weekend I will post more frequently like when I started the book. I'll try my best to post every day. Love you guys.


*Morg is short for Morgianna

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