Review: OGX Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner

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Hey guys!

For my product review today, I will be reviewing the OGX Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner.

I have previously tried numerous shampoos and conditioners (I disliked most of which). I have always been searching for a sulfate-free Shampoo which could cleanse my hair and leave it clean, and a conditioner with very good slip. However, after I had gone through many sulfate-free shampoos, I decided to try one with sulfate for a change and that's when I came across these two products. Here is my verdict:

OGX Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner:

Now, this product can be used for all hair types so I was a bit skeptical at first. The product is supposed to restore moisture to your hair and leave it looking shiny. Honestly, I wasn't really expecting any shine because I've never seen my hair shiny but as for moisturizing my hair, my hair felt great. The Shampoo (even though it contained sulfates) cleansed my hair and scalp without completely stripping my hair and the conditioner is probably the best conditioner I've ever tried. It had amazing slip and allowed my wide tooth comb to glide through my hair with ease.

In terms of cost, I think that this product is pretty cheap.  The 385ml bottle only costs £4.99 and both the Shampoo and Conditioner are really thick (like a lotion like consistency) so a little will last a long time.

I will continue to use this product as like the old saying goes 'if it ain't broke why fix it'.

Anyways, I hope this helped. BTW I still have my hair in box braids which is why updates have been slow.

Comment below:
Have you ever tried this product? How did you find it? Do you have any product recommendations?

Any questions, feel free to ask.

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