Eco Styler Gel: Olive Oil (Review)

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Hey guys,

Today I will be reviewing the famous 'Eco Styler Gel' (the Olive Oil one).

I have heard a lot of people talk about this gel before. Some have said that it works for them, and others have said that it doesn't. Because I was curious as to what Eco Styler could do for me, I purchased some from my local hair shop for pretty cheap. Before Eco Styler, I had never tried another gel before so I had nothing to go by as to whether it worked well or not. I tried using the gel in 3 different ways: To lay my edges, to get a sleek look when doing ponytails/buns and to define my curls.

The product says it will "Moisturise hair and scalp" and "tame frizz". When I used this product my hair did feel quite moisturised and I was able to style my hair a lot easier. I tried to avoid putting the gel on my scalp too much because I didn't want too much product build up. As for taming frizz, it did work but I had to do a lot of applying and then working in the gel.

I have never tried any of the other Eco Styler gels but I feel like the Olive Oil made my hair feel quite soft. My hair LOVES olive oil so this was the ideal gel for me. There were no ingredients on the back that struck me as alarming (some gels are packed with chemicals), so after a bit of research I purchased the product.

If you use only a small amount of this product, you will find that you will not get a great hold but too much will leave your hair white and crunchy (I learnt from experience). Therefore you want to add just enough to do its purpose but no more than that.

As for defining my curls, it worked! I was very surprised but after doing the shingling method, my curls were defined. On the down side, my hair was left feeling a bit hard and not completely like it normally does so I will only use it to define curls on special occasions (I am going to be trying some of the other eco Styler gels to see if they are better).

I can purchase this product at the following prices:
80z: £1.49
160z: £1.99
320z: £2.99

Now, I know that I'm not a gel maniac, and I normally don't use gel, but I bought this tub in March and I still have a bit left now in December and this is with an 80z tub.

I definitely recommend this product as it has multiple uses. Of course be sure to put an oil or something underneath the gel so that your hair does not dry out. I will be continuing to use this product and as soon as my tub is finished, I will definitely go and purchase another one.

I hope you enjoyed this review I will be back soon with another post.

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Have you ever tried this product? Do you like it? Is it worth the hype? What product do you want me to review?

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