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The following is a personal story of a very interesting bus ride. all of my friends mentioned that read this can say who you are or not what ever. which is like one, but if you want to say how you know me, that you relate, or just want to comment go for it!!

so we were on our way back from a competition. (we got all 1s) and we stopped at a gas station because it was really far away, and people needed to use the restroom/buy things. so we all got back and I considered buying a monster but I didn't because I didn't want to spend the last of my $ and I get crazy.

I am the type of person that right when I get something sugary in my system I go nuts, although my friend, Hannah, who was sitting next to me (we don't usually sit together but we did this time.) it takes a while to get to her. so my friend parker (r) did have a monster. he gave each of us a sip. I wanted more than I got but I hate when someone asks for a sip then gets like a huge gulp so I didn't want to do that to him.

I instantly went crazy. I would not shut up or anything. normally when I think of a good joke I first ask myself if it is appropriate, not then. there is no telling what came out if my mouth, so after a while I calmed down. well I more crashed, so I got all deep and was like "how is space endless but how is it not? like what is after it?

so Hannah said heaven

so I go " but I mean I believe in that and all but let's just say for a moment that there is no god. then what?"

so then Hannah went crazy and was hyper. and annoying. so then she crashed and we were pretty much in between dead, drunk, and awake, I don't really know how to explain,

and that is the story of the time I learned that I am fun to hang around especially when hyper, (I wonder what I'd be like drunk/high.,... ?)

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