Chapter 9- Whim Touch

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Really unedited!

{{{Chapter 9 }}}

Scarlett's POV*

The sensation of being watched came and went every so often. But today it was different. Goosebumps arose on my skin and I stared at the seat in front of me, wishing aunt Lidia would get here so I could finally wish her goodbye. But no one was In the cafeteria but me and a nurse who watched me with hawk eyes in case I ever did get the strength to pull the plastic fork on her. I was given pudding, a rare thing in here I wasn't going to eat.

I was exhausted and the sense of being watched, not by the nurse but by something much more vile, made me nothing but more wary as to why I was seated in this plastic chair in front of a small metal table in the middle of the night.

Even though my wolf was gone, I was still able to hear the unlatching of the grand doors that led to the main reception area. Only during visitation day, three weeks from now, did the supervisors open the doors. I slid my gaze from the seat and looked up as the doors opened. At first I didn't see anyone at all, just a flicker of flash light appearing through the darkness of the room. But, then appeared an older man with graying hair and smiling blue eyes. Making his way to me he turned off the flashlight and set it on a passing table, fixings his sharp suit and picking off lint from his shoulder.

"I was wondering when they would let me see you." He said, scraping back the chair I had been previously staring at, making himself comfortable.

I remained silent and he fixed his eyes on me. They weren't smiling anymore as he appraised my sunken figure and baggy clothes that were too itchy and too worn. Finally, as he frowned at my knotted nest hair did his eyes come down to meet mine.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked with bemusement.

I studied his suit that reminded me of dad's and his handsome face that had fine lines form years of laughing and frowning. I would have said i had never seen him in my life but for some reason that seemed like it would be wrong because i felt like i'd seen him before. Somewhere that wasn't here, when I was still a bit sane.

I shook my head.

He leaned forward, elbows resting on the table and hands clasped. "I'm here to make you a deal."

I stared curiously at him. He was human. He reeked of ambition. I didn't like talking to people with too much ambition, it always led to some sort of trouble and right now I had enough trouble by simply existing.

I shook my head again and leaned further away from him. I didn't know this man and I didn't make deals with strangers or no one for that matter.

"You haven't heard me out yet." He tiled his head to the side, seeming younger and younger as he talked.

"I don't want to hear you out."

"So it speaks!" He threw his hands up, reminding me of a little kid. A spark of annoyance drew my face in a resisted glare. "Well,maybe I should have started by introducing myself then. My name is Gerard Belford and your pact leader sent me."

My face fell and I looked away from him. "I don't have a pact." It was true.

"Of course you do! You are Scarlett Green right? Or did these idiots make a mistake again because I swear-"

"I'm Scarlett Green." I interrupted, never being more ashamed to say my name.

He leaned back in his seat, a pleased smile on his face. "Well, the fact that Alpha knight sent me must give you a reason to here me out."

"It doesn't."

"Well darling, to be quite frank with you, you don't have much of a choice. They're going to hold you here until I leave and I'm not planning to leave until I say what I came to say."

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