Chapter 11

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The Leonard Street church looked like any other church from the outside. It had a tall pyramidal roof with gable ends along with granite walls that were outfitted with stained glass windows. On a Sunday morning, church bells could be heard ringing for miles, and Leonard Street, which was presently quiet, got lined with vehicles of the church's patrons.

Liam stood across the street, watching the church steps. It was a warm night, late summer making the air balmy and the light jacket he wore feeling heavy. For the first time since he quit smoking, he ached for a cigarette. He wished he could reach into his jean pocket and pull out a Dunhill, light it up, and inhale the nicotine deep into his lungs, providing himself with a distraction - something else he could do instead of gripping the half crushed, tattered page he held with both hands.

This was the third Wednesday evening he had spent outside the church, trying to gather courage to walk across the narrow street, climb the stairs, and walk inside it. The page in his hands trembled as a light breeze blew. He folded the page and placed it in his right jean pocket.

Another time. He would return another time.

Liam was preparing to leave and he had even turned away from the church when he heard voices from across the street. He glanced back and quickly hid behind a lamp post. Harry stood on top of the church stairs, chatting to a girl and boy who looked around his age. Liam felt his chest constrict as he watched Harry hug the pair goodbye before they walked away.

Liam knew he looked like a mad man trying to hide behind a lamp pole, but he wasn't ready yet; he didn't have the courage to walk across the street and talk to Harry like a normal person. All he could do was wait for Harry to walk back into the church, then skulk off into the night. He was a coward. The last two Wednesdays had proven that.

Harry did not enter the church. Instead, he walked down the stairs and across the street, heading towards Liam. When Liam realised he had been spotted, he quickly turned and began heading up the street.

"Mr Payne," Harry called out from behind him. Liam stopped mid-step. He turned and Harry jogged to catch up with Liam.

"Harry," Liam said when Harry reached him. He found he couldn't meet Harry's eyes and he glanced at the street, watching the passing cars.

"I was hoping you'd come in this time," Harry said.

Liam glanced at him. "This time?"

Harry nodded. "I've seen you standing here these past few weeks. Louis told me that you wanted to speak to me. I have been waiting for you."

Harry still sort of looked the same as he had when he was thirteen, but better. Soft baby fat had given away to a nicely shaped jaw and his hair was longer, hanging to his shoulders. His eyes were still intense, shining with the manic light of the pious. Liam wanted to sprint down the street and get away from Harry, but he remained rooted to the spot.

"Yes, I need to speak to you," Liam admitted.

"Do you want to come inside the church? I have a room where we could speak."

Liam's eyes shifted away from Harry's as he remembered the last time the two of them had been alone in a room together.

"I don't think-"

"There's a coffee shop down the street." Harry offered quickly. "We can speak there."

"Lead the way," Liam said. Harry turned to the opposite direction and Liam followed after him.


Coffee Xpress was a coffee shop slash bakery slash bar slash club. It was a short distance from the church and local university. Most of its patrons were students. They sat in groups, textbooks and coffee mugs cluttered on their tables as they chattered. Harry asked for an outside table on the balcony and their waiter led them to their table, handing them two menus before leaving.

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