Chapter 8

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For the most part, Zayn was good at following the rules.

He called Liam 'sir' and 'Mr Smith-Payne' in class, with no hint of sarcasm. He did his work like the rest of his classmates and he never asked Liam once for extra marks or special treatment, which made Liam like him more. So it came as a surprise late one night when Zayn texted him.

Liam and Sophia were lounging by the pool. It was Tuesday, a non-sparring day, and also a day where he didn't have Zayn's class. Zayn had never texted him before, not once, and a quick check of the Nokia's records one weekend had shown Zayn never used the phone to contact anyone else. Because Zayn followed the rules.

Liam reached in his jean pocket, pulling out his cellphone and discretely opened the text.

"Hey," the first text read, followed by, "can i ask u 4 a favour?"

Liam glanced at Sophia, who was paging through a fashion magazine. She would be suspicious if he got up and went inside the house to use his phone. He was better off replying to Zayn's texts right here, beside her. He typed, "What favour?"

"I dont have anything nice 2 wear 2 da dance," Zayn texted. "could u take me somewhere so i could buy a new jacket?"

"Can't be seen with you," Liam replied. "And u can't leave school grounds without your House Master's approval."

"On wednesday afternoon we're going 2 the garden's thearthe to see othello i can sneak out & go shoppnig with u"

"What if I have a class?" Liam didn't have a class on a Wednesday afternoon, but he didn't want to be seen in public with Zayn, so close to the school where they could bump into anyone. How would he explain parading around a shopping centre with a student during school hours?

"u don't, i checked ur schedule" came the quick reply. "pls??"

"OK," Liam typed back. Zayn responded by texting a smiley face. Liam pocketed his phone and draped an arm over Sophia.


The plan was that Zayn would sit at the back of the theatre and sneak out during the first act. Liam parked outside the Garden's Theatre, starting the engine when he spotted Zayn exiting the building.

"Did anyone see you?" Liam asked when Zayn got inside the car.

Zayn shook his head. "No, they were focused on the play."

"How much time do you have?"

"About an hour and a half."

"We better get onto this then." Liam drove onto the main road. "Do you have a store in mind?"

"No. I need a new jacket." Zayn pulled his seat back and put his feet up on the dashboard. "Maybe a new shirt as well."

"Get your feet down from there," Liam ordered.

"Sorry." Zayn dropped his feet.

"We'll start at Draper Co and see what they have."

"Okay, whatever you say. You're the grown-up."

"Don't be lippy."

Zayn laughed. "I'm just stating the facts. How am I being lippy?"

"Snarky then."


Liam glanced at Zayn. "And don't roll your eyes at me."

"We're not at school, so those rules don't apply, Liam."

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