chapter eleven.

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chapter eleven.

warning: this chapter contains suicidal thoughts, so if you don't like that, don't read on.

Everything was back to normal.

For a few days, Jack had acknowledged Crutchie's existence, but good things just weren't meant to last.

And it wasn't just Crutchie who felt like Jack was neglecting them - the other newsies felt this way too.

As a matter of fact, that's what they were discussing as Crutchie returned from selling papes. "What're ya guys talkin' about?" Crutchie asked, finding a seat on one of the bunks. He plopped himself down next to Race, placing his crutch against the ladder of the bunk. All of the newsies' stares immediately moved to Crutchie. "Umm... hi?" He said, looking up and noticing all of the looks he was getting.

"We was talkin' about Jack," Race said.

"What exactly 'bout him?" Crutchie questioned.

Race opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by Jojo. "The fact that he's been ignorin' us all for Katherine!" Jojo exclaimed.

"Yeah. That." Race said.

Crutchie noticed that all of the newsies looked a bit uneasy. Oh, yeah. They still thought that he and Jack were just as close, and that he wasn't affected by Jack dating Kathy.

Well, they were very damn wrong.

"I thought I was the only one who thought that!" Crutchie exclaimed. All of the others looked a bit taken aback.

"Wait, you're actually upset at Jack?" Albert said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah..?" Crutchie said. He didn't see why it was such a big deal to the newsies.

"Hey, are ya feelin' okay?" Race said.

"Yes, I am! Why's it such a big deal that I'm upset with him?" Crutchie said, the other newsies' reactions starting to get on his nerves.

"'Cause ya act as thought you're in love with him," Race blatantly stated.

Crutchie smacked his arm, shaking his head. You could clearly make out the blush on his cheeks. "I'se not in love with him!" He said. Race completely lost it.

"Hey, I was only jokin'! There's no need to overreact!" Race got out through his laughter.

"Ooh, he's blushin'!" Romeo called out, referring to Crutchie's obvious blush.

"No, I ain't!" Crutchie yelled.

Romeo shrugged. "Say what ya want, but-" He was silenced by Crutchie shooting him a glare.

"Anyways, movin' on..." Jojo gave Race a look as he said this. If looks could kill. "He's never around anymore unless it's ta wake us up in the mornin'."

"I know!" Crutchie exclaimed, and you could hear how upset he was. It felt good to finally be able to tell someone just how much Jack's relationship was affecting him. "I mean, he always has a date or somethin', and he never even thinks to come to our little gatherins anymore! It's one bloody night every couple of weeks! If he missed one date with Kat, really, how bad would that be? It's not like she'd break up with him! She'd understand, wouldn't she? I mean, come on!" He said, and he hadn't even realized he'd been rambling.

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