chapter five.

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chapter five.
july 24th, 1900

Jack had been a newsie for as long as he could remember. This had turned him into an early riser.

Jack didn't know what time it was when he drifted out of sleep, but he knew that the morning bell wouldn't be ringing for quite a while. He remained with his eyes closed, no intent to move.

That was when he felt someone squirming around in his arms.

He panicked for a second before remembering that Crutchie had asked if they could sleep underneath the same blanket the night before.

He relaxed.

And then his brain began to stir, filled with questions.

Why is Crutchie actin' so weird?

He felt as though Crutchie was hiding something from him. If Crutchie ever acted mad or upset or frustrated, he would always have a reason behind it. And he would always tell Jack what was wrong. He never kept secrets from Jack. He told Jack everything.

At least, Jack thought so.

But then he remembered how mad Crutchie had been at him the previous morning. For forgetting him and the other newsies.

Jack felt overwhelmed with guilt as he remembered Crutchie's words. Once Crutchie had left, he had just stood there, too in shock to move.

He had remained this way for a few minutes. He might as well have been dead.

He suddenly felt as though he had been shot. Everything hurt.

He was an awful person.

Jack had dropped to the ground, crying. Tears stained his shirt, his pants, his vest, his face, everything.

He had been so damn rude to someone that he had once told he would never let down. For months, he had just.. brushed Crutchie off as though he were an ant. And yet, Crutchie was so much more to him. He was his brother.

Jack was so confused. Within the past few months, his feelings for Kathy had slipped away. But he did have that coming, he supposed. To impulsively fall in love like that? It probably wasn't meant to last.

But he could never bring himself to break up with her. What if she still was in love with him? Jack didn't want to hurt anyone.

But he had hurt Crutchie.

And a part of him still tried to convince him that he loved Katherine. He tried to listen to that voice in his head, but it was hard trying to believe a blatant lie.

Jack's head ached from all of the thoughts swarming through. He felt so overwhelmed.

He felt disgusted with himself.

Jack's eyes reluctantly opened. The sun was rising, and the morning bell would ring soon.

It took Jack a few seconds to realize that he was crying. Again.

Jack brought his sleeve up to his eye and wiped away any trace of tears. He couldn't be crying. He was supposed to be Jack Kelly, fearless leader of the Newsboys Union. Not some sappy little nobody who cried for no good reason.

He tried to distract himself by studying all of Crutchie's features. There were certain aspects of people that he sometimes failed to notice, even if he had known them for a long time. Sometimes, just looking at a person, noticing everything about them, was nice and calmed him down.

So he just stayed in the same position, his arms wrapped around Crutchie, for a solid twenty minutes, just gazing at every last detail of him. He was beautiful.

Jack almost snickered. You say that like you'se in love with him.

But it was true. His blonde hair, his light grey eyes, his fair skin, his freckles.. they all were beautiful. One couldn't deny it.

Jack caught himself smiling, and he tried to wipe it off of his face. Stop acting like you loves him and go get yourself ready for the day.

But Crutchie was practically latched onto him. Jack couldn't have gotten him off if he'd tried to.

Guess he'd have to wake Crutchie up.

Jack leaned forward. "Crutchie," he muttered in his ear. "Get up."

Crutchie stirred, but didn't snap out of sleep.

"Crutchie," Jack shook him, and was a little bit louder.

Crutchie turned over, before sitting up and looking at Jack. "Mornin'," he mumbled, rubbing his eye. "The bell ain't rung yet. Why is I up?"

"You was practically glued to me, I couldn't do anythin' until ya got up." Jack quickly explained.

Jack could've sworn he was crazy, but Crutchie seemed to grow embarrassed. His cheeks gained a bit of color. "Sorry," he said, turning away from Jack. He threw on his clothes in silence, facing the streets of New York.

Jack sighed. Why Crutchie was being so kind to him one second and so rude and embarrassed the next, he didn't know. He wanted to talk to Crutchie, but he didn't know how to start.

Several minutes passed, and the morning bell chimed in the distance. Jack looked over at Crutchie, and the two of them made eye contact.

"Ya ready ta face the day?" Jack asked.

Crutchie hesitated for a second before staring down at the ground.

Did I say something wrong??

He nodded. "I'm ready." And the next second, there was a hopeful smile on the young teen's face.

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