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SHE TOOK A deep breath, the letter folded neatly in her small hand as the other hand reached upwards, tighten it into an even smaller fist. She pressed it against the wooden door with her knuckles, threes soft knocks.

She wanted him to be gone. She had hope that no one would answer the door, or even hear her gentle knock, but the door did open, only he wasn't the one to answer.

Maggie opened the door slightly, her eyes become huge for a split second before going back to normal. "April? Uh, hi? What are you doing here?"

She wanted to laugh. What was she doing here? Her ex-husband's new girlfriend/step-sister just opened the door of the place she used to call home and asked her why she was standing outside a place she clearly didn't belong. If this wasn't a sign, April didn't know what was.

She ignored the question, giving her a forced smile. "Is Jackson here?"

"He went to the store a few minutes ago. Do you want to come in and wait-"

"No, I just came to...." She looked down at the letter in her hand before deciding otherwise, putting it back in her small handbag resting against one side of her body. "To, um, to talk to him. Can you just tell him I really need to talk to him?"

Maggie nodded her head. "Of course."

April nodded her head, her red curls wrapped in a tight bun only slightly moving with the momenta. "Um, you're a good person, Maggie. It's a shame you're sleeping with my ex-husband, we could have been good friends." Maggie began to protest, throwing out random jumbles of words to try to defend herself, but April wasn't in the mood to listen. "Just take good care of him, okay? Jackson deserves nothing but happiness. I just want him to be happy." She gave her a sad smile. "Please just make him happy."

The step-sister nodded her head slightly. "I will do my best." She gave April the best comfort smile she could, but April ignored it, feeling like it was mostly out of pity rather than kindness.

And with that, she nodded her head one last time before her hands found the strap of her bag. They tightened around the leather as she turned, and started walking away from the only home she ever really felt was her own.

Dear Readers,

I will post eventually. (I promise). There was only supposed to be five chapters, but my ending didn't please me so I'm making more. Please enjoy.

From yours dearly,


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