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(Ughhh that photo omg 😍😍😍😍😍😍^^)

Chapter 17

Mavis POV

"Be very very quiet" Jeff whispered as we snuck back into the house. He closed the front door behind him but before we could go upstairs a voice spoke making us jump.

"Why are you guys coming home at six in the morning?" Mary, Jeff's mom, sat on the recliner, her arms crossed.

"It's my fault" Jeff immediately answered. "I got into some trouble and she came to pick me up"

"Sit" she demanded. We both began walking towards the couch.

"Not you mavis you can go" her voice softened when she talked to me. I looked and Jeff and he nodded. I gave Mary a small smile before going upstairs.


I ended up sleeping till 5 in the afternoon.

I am currently laying on Jeff's bed watching him play fort nite.

"BEHIND YOU! BEHIND YOU!" He yelled through the head set.

I don't get the obsession towards the game it doesn't even look that interesting. I think the objective is to kill every other player until you're the last one standing, I don't know. I don't really care.

"Mavis can you get me some water" Jeff more so demanded than suggested. I rolled my eyes before heading downstairs.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs when I heard Mary arguing with someone on the phone.

"Absolutely not, you are not just going to come into their lives to leave again! I've been doing fine with out you. We don't need you!" She paused so the person on the other end of the line could talk.

"Do you even know your own children?" She scoffed. "Goodbye Steven I'm not doing this right now"

Steven is Jeff's absentee dad. I met him once before, it was Jeff's 13th birthday. He showed up shitfaced drunk and pooped in the moon bounce.

I waited a few seconds before walking into the kitchen. Mary was sitting at the table her head in her hands. I sat next to her and rubbed her back making her jump slightly.

"Oh! Mavis, honey you scared me half to death" she chuckled.

"Did you hear-" her tone got serious/sad as I nodded.

"Don't tell Jeff or Ava they'll just worry"

"I won't, but don't sweat it Okay you're doing great" I gave her a reassuring smile. She returned one before I got up to grab Jeff's water.

"I got you a phone" Mary announced before reaching into her bag. "Since that asshole of a foster father disconnected your old one"

"Mary you didn't have to-"

"I did you're basically my child now and I need to be able to contact and communicate with my children at all times" she smiled before pulling out an iPhone 6 box.

"It's not the latest one but-" I hugged her tightly.

"Thank you so so so much, and not just for the phone for everything" my voice cracked a little. "I know my life has been hectic and you bringing me in and buying me a phone, I just don't know how I can repay you"

"You can repay me by watching out for my son and continuing to be the wonderful young woman you are" she rubbed my back as I cried silently into her shoulder.

I was extremely grateful for her, Jeff, and Ava. They're all I have now.

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