Chapter 44

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The sunlight got in my eyes forcing me to open them. I got up rubbing my tired eyes and got dressed.

Sam and the guys where nowhere to be seen, but I couldn't care less. It was time for me to leave this stupid place and never see Sam's stupid face again.

I don't wanna see his face ever again, I don't wanna meet his piercing green eyes, I don't care about his smile, I don't care how hurt he is. I don't give a shit about Sam, he can swim with sharks as far as I care.

I don't want to see him ever again. I wan him out of my life. All my feelings for him will fade. I will move on and find a guy that's worth it, I'll find a guy whose willing to fight for me. Not someone who doesn't care, not someone like Sam.

What am I talking about?! I don't even like Mr. McGrumpy. Maybe what I was feeling was hate. There is no chance for me to like him, it's stupid. Who likes grumpy, ugly jerks? NO ONE, NO DAMN ONE.

I hate Sam. I truly thought he was a nice guy, but he proved me wrong. I hate him, I hate the way he looks at me, I hate how he makes me feel. I HATE THAT HUMAN BEING.

I took my backpack where I had stuffed all my clothes and walked towards the door.

Without looking back I tried to open it, but it was locked. I started to shake the door's handle, I pulled and pushed it, but it was impossible. I was stuck there.

Groaning I started to search for the door's key, but after some seconds I started to think.

"N-no, no it can't be" I said cleching my fists and wanting to punch a wall. Well to be exact, wanting to punch Mr. McGrumpy.

Did he really locked me in here?! That's so immature for God's sake.

I could also go out from the window, but the room is on the last floor.

Did I mention how much I hate Sam? Well, incase I haven't.


I didn't know what to do. All I wanted was to leave this place and go home. As I was thinking of ways to kill Sam my phone buzzed

Mr. McGrumpy- Hello maid, I hope you have a nice trip home ;)

At that moment I wanted to smash the phone somewhere.

Why is he doing this? There is no benefit for me or for him.


Yeah sure I'll answer, in your dreams.

With nothing to do I sat on the couch and decided to write to my dad to make sure he is okay.

I had no new texts from him and I started to get worried.

Breathing heavily I touched the cold screen of the phone with my hands shaking.

Me- Hi dad

I waited some minutes for him to answer and he finally saw my text. I was so scared I though my heart was gonna get of my chest.

Dad- Hello my dear. How have you been, because I have missed your body

I went pale as my eyes were stuck on the phone's screen. Those words, the same exact words.


It was dark on the room and I was waiting for him.

I was waiting for his cold, bare, filthy hands to touch my skin where he left the bruises some hours ago.

The light's were off and he told me to sleep, but I couldn't.

I know his body would touch mine so it didn't make a difference asleep or awake. It didn't make a difference if I was alive or dead.

Suddenly I hear someone walking closer to me and in all that darkness he whispers to my ear "I have missed your body"

I couldn't ignore the smell of alcohol on his breath, it was too strong

And then, his hand slides from my back and down as I screamed from help. I screamed and cried, but no one could hear me.

His laugh and enjoyment was bigger while my call for help were silent screams.


Me- I'm good dad, I'll be home soon. Take care

I turned my phone off and looked up at the white ceiling.

"Even if I want to leave, I have nowhere to go" I said out loud knowing there was no one in the room

"I can't leave him alone though"

I was so furstrated and didn't know what to do. I ran my hand through my brown hair and didn't move a muscle and just kept staring at the ceiling.

Why is my life so miserable? I have done nothing bad to deserve this. I only wanted a normal life, I wanted to go to college, I wanted to get a good job, get married and have kids, but instead, I'm here with three boys.

"I don't even know why am I thinking these stupid things"

I needed to let out all the things I've hidden from anyone. I couldn't keep the burden anymore and since there was no one here why not.


I broke down. Tears run down my cheek, tears with pain that I've hidden for years.

Then someone hugges me from behind.

"It's gonna be okay Connors, I'm here now"


A/N- Hope you guys liked this chapter. Y'all learned some secretes about Natalie (':

It's 12:31am here and I should be sleeping, but I decided to update so here I am writing under the blankets so my mom doesn't see me lmao.

More chapters to come soon, love y'all


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