Whacked and Warned

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  • Dedicated to The Seniors of 2014 <3

Heyyy lovelies! I've missed you so much and i feel terrible for making you wait so long! I'm just struggling with finals and end of school year plans. Also there are SOOOO many grad parties it's overwhelming! Dedicated to the seniors of 2014. Congrats and God bless!!!! Go on to do amazing things and touch people's lives in amazing ways! Love you <3333

Chapter 15


     Kim’s POV:


            “Hey…hey! HEY!!!” a rough finger pokes my cheek, but I swat it away and cuddle closer to Jack. I am way too tired to get up. “GIRL!!”

            Reluctantly, I try to open my eyes, only to be blinded. I hear shuffling as a dark form covers the bright sun. My eyes travel up to the tough looking face of an old man standing above me. My natural instinct is to scream and so I do. My shriek triggers Jack to wake up screaming as well. We scramble away from the old man who gets a solid couple whacks at us with his rolled up magazine.

            As we run we can hear him incoherently yelling about how he’s calling the cops and these are private beaches. We stumble over the uneven sand, panting. Past the wooden steps, past the house, and onto the gravel path. There, we stop to catch our breath. A glance is exchanged and then…we break. Keeling over with laughter, we grip each other to stay standing. We are practically crying and peeing our pants in hysterics. Getting beaten up by a grumpy old man doesn’t exactly happen on any ordinary day for us. We subconsciously edge closer to each other as it subsides.

            With the last few smiles, Jack grabs me from behind and leans down towards my ear. “You are my girlfriend, right?”

            I can’t help but smile, “Well I’d hope so by how you are holding me right now!” I play around.

            My conformation has him grinning from ear to ear, “Good! I really didn’t want to be one of those freaks that imagines everything.”

            “You aren’t…unless we both imagined everything!” I fake gasp, turning in his arms to look at him, “Plot twist!”

            “Criss-cross!” He yells, crossing his hands back and forth over his face.

            I can’t stop the giggles as I cover his mouth with my hand, “Shhh! Do you want them to hear us?” I uncover his mouth…too early.

            “Yes.” He gives a mischievous smile and wink. I go to cover his mouth again, but he grabs my wrists, “I don’t HAVE to be loud…ifffffffff-“

            “Jack!” I whine, “Come on! We need to go!” He ignores me. Great…


            “Iffffff….you give me a kiss,” I groan. I mean, even though I kind of want to, I still don’t like the manipulation.

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