Sneaking and Smoothies

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  • Dedicated to all the wonderful people that read my other stories <3

Heya lovelies! I just got back from a mission trip and OH. MA. GARSH! i miss my friends SOOOOO bad! i got proposed too as well. it's a long story. but anywhos-a-boo, sorry it's been so long, I was waiting for the comments. I barely got anything :( C'mon puwease! Well, I just gotta say that the dedication goes out to those who DID take the time to check out my other stuff. All of you who DID check out my stuff literally made my next couple of days! I couldn't stop smiling and it encouraged me to update my story (stories). So this chappy is gonna be kind of short because I'm getting into the REAL intense parts next chapter. It's gonna go a little darker...sound good? Don't worry. A fair share of KICK moments will still be in it ;) Be sure to check out my other stuff as well! Back to the story!

 Jack’s POV:


            Kimmy’s being a bit overdramatic with this whole thing. I am not the bad guy here. She is. She’s depriving herself of the sleep that I took…okay; maybe I am the bad guy. But I’m also trying to help her regain that rest. It’s not healthy for her to have very little sleep and then work out really hard, especially on a hot day.

            Great, now she’s going boneless on me. I struggle to heave her lifeless body through the dojo. I grunt and huff, but don’t even think I’m weak. When someone acts like they are dead, but try to trip you up every step, it’s kind of hard. I drop one arm to wipe my forehead. Big mistake. She flings the other arm free, crawls under my legs and begins scurrying off on all fours. I briskly walk and bend over to grab her around the waist.

            “No, no, no, no, no!” She cries while she’s pulled up into the air, “I want to get smoothies with Donna!”

            “What? When did we talk about you getting smoothies with Donna?!” I inquire, and let her resist all she wants. I’m not even fazed.

            “Just texted me, Dad!” She yells with a mocking tone through heavy breaths.

            “Well, I guess Donna will be going alone,” with this, I carry her to Rudy’s office; closing the door behind me with my foot. I drop her to the couch.

            “You know I have other ways of escaping,” Was that a threat? She totally just gave herself away. Oh, and she definitely knows it too by that look, “I mean, uh, just kidding!” Wow, her covers are almost as bad as her dancing…almost. My eyebrows raise is just the thing to make her cave, “Really, Kim? Really?” I bust out laughing, but apparently am the only one to understand.

            “That was such a Jerry trait!” I point out. Her eyes widen and a hand flies to her mouth.

            Only the muffled, “I’m turning into Jerry!” escapes seeing as she buried her head in the couch and moans…loud.

            “Whatever. I’ll be outside. Get some rest.” Even though she can’t see me, I still wink and head out the door.

*           *           *           *           *           *

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