Caught and Confession

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So here's some good bonding moments...and a couple awkward 2! :P It's really great :D oh and dedication goes out to smorg98 because i saw they liked it! hopefully u keep reading! oh and whenever u aee a Rudy line, be sure to read it the way he would say it. With all his facial expressions and everything! kk back to the story!



Chapter 5


    Rudy’s POV:

            “C’mon, kiddos! I really don’t want to be attacked by raccoons when it’s dark!” I say hurrying up the gang. I’ve been ready and waiting for the past five minutes! “Jack, are you ready?” He’s been staring at the now dying fire ever since Kim went to the van. What is taking that girl so long anyway?

            “What? Uh, no. I’ll just get ready down there.” He snaps out of his ‘trance’.

            “Okay, well grab your stuff. Milton, let’s go!” The poor child’s been way too over-protected. He’s putting on sunscreen, bug spray, a hat, sunglasses, and other random things that aren’t necessary.

            “Alright, alright. Don’t get your breaches in a knot!” He yells from out of the tent.

            As Milton pops out, I notice Jack still sitting there, motionless. Using the poker stick to move the fire pieces around. “Jack, if you are going to hold everybody else up, then go grab Kim. I’m done waiting for her!”

            “Um, Rudy. We never got Kim in the first place.” He says with a smile upon his face.

            “Whatever! I’m not waiting for another person!”

            I hear him laugh as Jerry, Eddie, Milton, and I set off. I clutch my inflatable dolphin tightly and fly past the boys. “There is no way I’m letting myself be slowed down by you, hooligans!”

            “Are you sure it’s safe to leave Kim and Jack by themselves…alone?” Milton interjects.

            “Well, I guess. What’s the worst that could happen?” They contemplate my question. Eddie’s the first to answer.

            “They could wreck all of our hard work by like making out. I mean if they’re going at it so hard they could be flailing around, you know.”

            “Oh, you mean like kissing and…” we wait for Jerry to finish, but it never comes. “Oh, no. That’s all I got.”

            “Guys, Kim and Jack are old enough to make relationship decisions on their own. Besides, Jack’s too scared to make the first move and Kim isn’t one to do well under tense situations.”

            “Jack’s scared? Yo, I think we found a weakness! It’s Kim!”

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