The invatations

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I gasp for air as I step off the treadmill hoping the sleepiness would wear off as I ran like it usually did. This time instead of waking up normally i woke up in tears from a nightmare. Can't believe I am saying but I did. I continue running hoping that running will soon consume as I run laps around the track course. I sometimes participate into different cross country activities but I mainly focus on staying alive with my healthy daughter and good paying job that I can do what I love.

I finish running after another hour of avoiding my problems before I walk into my room heading for a shower. I have a few hours until I need to go out and protect my assignment. I was given an assignment by jack Danvers which is to protect the avengers for tonight. Sometimes I'll take protection jobs if the pay is good enough an today is my lucky day. The guy is paying me $100,000,000. I could practically buy a billion imac airs!

Sighing I look up just in time to hear a bunch of pitter patter of Clary running around again. I grab a towel and wrap it slightly around my neck as I begin to walk up the stairs and into my kitchen. I step inside and I instantly get a whiff of waffles on the stove. My mouth starts to water as I see the many toppings on my counter tops. Looking at the culprit I see its our maid Moly cooking again, looking at peace?"Hey Moly is the party tonight?"I ask sitting at the island seated right behind her.

"Yes mi- I mean Yes Maria. I laid out a outfit for tonight so you wont have to spend so much time on it. Shall I do your hair and makeup?"Moly says in between cooking.

"Ill do all of it. Thanks again Moly. What time is it again?"

"4 Maria. You leave at 7."

"Thanks Moly. Watch Clary tonight please"I say running up the stairs and into my room. Sometimes I love my annoying family and other times I may loose my cool. We're all good in the end though. I push open my door and walk in to see my outfit on my bed along with specific makeup and hair pins to go with it. I smile at Moly's humor of it all. I pull out my curling Iron and wait for it to heat up.

__________2 Hours Later in the bedroom_____________________________________________

Sighing after two hours of makeup and hair I can finally pull on my dress. I smooth the wrinkles with my black colored nails from when I painted them 40 minutes ago. I pull it on and zip it up before pulling out my bin of weapons. I slide on my gun holster that attach to my thighs and my extra long and sharp dagger into my bra. Now you must be thinking why the hell do you need a long ass dagger in your bra? My answer: You may never know what you'll run into.

Sighing in content as I finish positioning the weapon into my bra I move onto my clutch and my shoes. I wanna catch at least some attention tonight so I have to dress fairly right. Right. I slip on my high black stilettos before walking to my closet and finding something that would fit what I am wearing. I pull out a criss cross style clutch and quietly insert a knife into it along with my many credit cards and ids. I have to look believe-able in some aspect right?

I slowly walk down the stairs keeping a lookout for little hands or feet that would make me fall. I eventually make t down to the main floor to see my daughter re-watching Frozen again."Hey kiddo I wont be here tonight Moly will take care of you tonight okay?"I say giving her a big kiss on the forehead.

She smiles and nods before returning her attention back to the screen in front of her. I smile and nod at Moly before grabbing my phone and keys and walking to my car. I start the ignition and slowly pull out keeping aware of my surroundings.I drive down the street in style on my way to an Avengers party.'Dear Lord what have I gotten myself into?'I ask myself as I drive to the party. The world may never know.

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