Hey Guys!

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It has been a while since I updated any kind of writing here and I know that. Moving forward I want to try to actual update all of my books maybe once every month which seems manageable to me. But really I just want to keep writing so I can improve my skill and get some feedback from you guys. The main reason I haven't been updating was due to some personal issues and the problem with My Boss, which was taken down a while ago.

The main point of this little chapter thing was to have a poll on what you guys want me to update first!

Here are your options:
1. Fifty Shade of Outlaw Queen
2. The Music Store
3. Regina One Shots (this book)
4. Lessons in Love

Before you guys even vote I want to explain what Lessons In Love is! If you have read the last few one shots they were revolved around the idea of Robin and Regina being teachers. So I decide that Lessons In Love would be the sequel to Lessons In College! And if you're saying "hOW CaN yOu HaVe A seQueL iF tHe BooK IsN't FinIsheD yeT??" then I will tell you! Voting for Lessons In Love is also a vote for me to finish Lessons In College and to then start Lessons In Love. So by voting for Lessons In Love you are voting for me to finally update Lessons In College. So go run off to the comment section and vote for whichever you want.

Now if you don't like any of these idea vote for number 5 which is for me to come up with a completely new idea! If that wins then I will come up with something new to write. How exciting!

Now you all be good noodles and go vote! Take care lovelies😘

Regina One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now