Halloween Part IV (Chapter 17)

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(Don't Play Song Yet)
Saturday (31st of October)
Gold's Pov

Spring turned his head over his shoulder when he got half way to his front door in his front garden and waved at me, I peaked my head out my window in my car that was rolled down to let some air in and yelled "I'll be back at eight Bunny Boy!" playfully and he turned around facing me and yelled back. "Don't be late jackass!" He grinned and turned back around, walking up to his front door and that's when I finally took my eyes off him and looked out the windshield of my car then relaxed in my seat taking a deep sigh.

So, work was fine, Spring and I made it go by pretty fast by playing with each other, he asked me if we are wearing our Ghostbuster costumes to it because it's a costume party but in reality no one actually dresses up, so we are gonna get ready, and I will pick him up at eight again. What is still in the back of my head was my Uncle, what did he mean by what he was saying about my dad? Should I ask my dad? No, I shouldn't, I will try to forget about it now. "Let's just focus on the dance Gold.." I mutter to myself and turn my car keys in the ignition letting out a sigh of stress before driving off.

Gold's Pov
(Play Song Now)

Freddy was standing in front of me, still in his Ghostbuster costume helping me with my neck tie with a smug look, he kept glancing up at me with eyes that reminded me of when we were kids, before we even met Spring or Bonnie. It was playful, he seems to be happy for me and I appreciate it from him, or he's probably just trying not to laugh at me from earlier when I was stuttering all over my parents after Bonnie left to go home to Spring and help him get ready. To cut it short, my parents know I'm dating someone, but at least they don't know it's Spring, so my sexuality is still hidden from them, but I'm planning on telling them, soon, maybe next year, maybe on my death bed, yeah that sounds better. I'm going to be wearing my black tuxedo I got when my parents forced me and my brother to a wedding last year, it was her friend Jesse or something like that, we didn't really care. My black jacket was laid out on my bed next to us with my white shoes in front of the bed, right now I had my socks on, my black jeans and white shirt while Freddy was trying to remember how to tie a tie because I forgot. Me and Freddy argue some times but even when we hate each other at a point of murder we both know in our hearts we love each other and we'll always have each others backs, he's been a great little brother to me, I used to prank him all the time as kids, it's just weird, you think back to your childhood and realise every time, that, your not a kid anymore, I'll be finishing school with Spring, starting college, I'll be out in the big bad world as my dad would say, but at least I won't be alone, I'll have Spring with me, we will get through all the obstacles together. It's just, hard, realisation is hard.

"Hey, you okay?" Freddy asks and I realised my face was slanting downwards and I had a small smile on my face with my left eye glassy while my right eye had a tear rolling out of it, I moved my eyes into my brothers as his arms reached out towards me and my arms flinched when his hands touched my face and used his thumbs to wipe away my tears. "I-I'm fine." I mutter wiping my eyes with my own hands after he moved his own away. "I envy you, y'know." He mumbles as he looked away from me but my eyes followed him as he picked up my jacket off of the bed and traced behind me and I sighed looking at the wooden floor, my room felt like it was waiting for me and Freddy to start mess fighting or just talk shit to each other but we weren't gonna do that, maybe it was just the sunlight making my room bright with colour, look fun, the room was a bright orange, today the sun was shining in the blue sky with mild white puffy clouds, puffy, heh puffy, like Spring's hair in the mornings. "You shouldn't Freddy." I start and he began putting the jacket around me so I slipped my right arm into the right sleeve. "Your gonna find someone, someone who will make you happy." I say quietly and Freddy didn't say anything just kept quiet while I put my left arm in the left sleeve. "Someone who won't hurt you. Someone who would take a bullet for you." I mumble as he walked back around me while I gripped the sides of my jacket and pulled it forward. "Who knows, you might have already found them." I finish and he stopped in front of me his eyes shining as he looked into my eyes, I smiled slowly and we both took a step towards each other then we both embraced each other into a hug. He wrapped one of his arms around my back and the other around my neck then he put his head face down into my left shoulder and I grinned as I put my chin on his left shoulder. We stood there for a minute in silence and I just listened to Freddy's weeps before he broke the silence with a cry "I've always looked up to you, you never stopped impressing me, I would of done anything to be like you!, you are my hero!" and I gripped him tighter smiling as tears built up quickly in my eyes and they instantly began falling out. "You'll always be my baby brother Freddy, that will never change."

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