Halloween Part I (Chapter 14)

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(Don't Play Song Yet)
[Monday (26th Of October)]
Gold's Pov

Just one more week until I get my jeep back, one more week until Halloween. I'm in school early with my boyfriend who was standing to the left of me wearing black shoes, wine red jeans and a white polo shirt. My brother Freddy was standing to the right of me wearing blue shoes, blue jeans and a white shirt. My boyfriends brother, Bonnie, who was standing next to Freddy, was wearing a black shirt, grey jeans, a jacket that belonged to Spring that was white and black and white shoes, while I was wearing a red and black hoodie that had 'America' at the top in white bolded letters as the Statue Of Liberty was underneath it, a grey tank top was underneath my hoodie and I was also wearing black ripped jeans and black runners. We were walking down a hallway on the second floor that was decorated with Halloween stuff, banners that had cliché items from Halloween was strung up on the ceiling and walls, they had witches, pumpkins, candy, cartoon ghosts, Autumn leafs, the moon, spiders, haunted houses. Oh and bats, cats and owls that are stereotyped as Halloween extras, like fuck I would be so pissed if I was a cat and was told I'm a Halloween animal, that would be racist wouldn't it?, but anyway, there was also fake spider webs in corners and more ghosts hung down the ceiling by strings, on the walls the annual Halloween school disco that is always on Halloween was being advertised. I want to ask Spring to go but I don't think he's into all that, but it would be fun, I don't know.. it seems like the four of us (maybe Foxy, Chica and Collin if they can) are going to a Haunted House, the school is setting one up this year with the dance but it's gonna be shit so we are going to a good one, it's out in the country side, based at a farm with a cornfield, it's gonna be fucking fun if we do go, so you could even call it a Haunted Farm rather than a Haunted House. I was smiling to myself looking straight down at the end of the hallway where it snapped to the left continuing on, my friend, brother and boyfriend were chatting about the Haunted House we wanna go to, I'm just zoning out thinking about how I should ask my boyfriend to come to the disco with me, should I just causually ask him or get him a gift and ask? Should I get someone else to ask for me? What the fuck no. I looked to my right after seeing someone walk into the hallway, I didn't wanna look at the guy since it would be awkward, I don't know him, my eyes looked at the top of Bonnie's head over Freddy's, it's kind of funny that I can look over people's head because of my height but being tall has it's advantages and disadvantages. Bonnie turned his head at me and I looked away to feel everyones eyes on me. I darted my eyes at Spring who was looking up at me and then to my brother who was looking at me with a brow raised. "What?" I ask Freddy awkwardly and he narrowed his eyes. "Bonnie asked if we are dressing up this year if you payed any attention." He responds looking away from me and at Bonnie who was still looking up at me with a anticipated face. "Dressing up?" I ask and look at Spring who was giggling looking up at me with a face that says 'Let him down easy' and at this point all of us weren't walking and I looked back at Bonnie to him frowning a little. "Fuck yeah we will dress up Bonnie!" I say grinning at him daringly and Freddy looked back at me in a instant with a confused face. "What?" I ask casually looking up from Bonnie who snapped his head at Freddy elbowing cheering 'Ha!' in his face. "We said last year was our last year Gold, I'm not doing it again!" Freddy moans angrily and my boyfriend groaned. "Yeah come on Gold, it gets old, we get old!" He complains as I looked to my side at him and I frowned a little as he was starring at his brother. "Come on we should just do it for the fun of it!" I say smiling again darting my eyes at each of them in turn, Bonnie looked up at me happily, Freddy looked at my in annoyance and Spring was desperately trying to make face signs to make me turn Bonnie down. "It isn't fun anymore Gold." Spring starts and Freddy continued. "Yeah, we have done this crap every Halloween since we all met!" Freddy says viciously while Bonnie turned at him narrowing his eyes. "Those Mario costumes were cool last year dickweed!" Bonnie growls angrily and I looked up at the ceiling waiting for Spring t-"Language!" ..to say that... I looked back down to see Bonnie snapping his head at his brother with a face I've never see off of him before, he was pissed, damn. "Shut the fuck up you fucking hypocrite, every damn sentence you say has a fucking curse in it!" He yells and we were all standing in one spot in the hallway at this point. Spring had a face that couldn't believe what was in front of him as Bonnie looked back at Freddy. "Bonnie fucking Smith!" Spring hissed at his brother while me and Freddy took a step back and Freddy also whispered. "You're fucked." to Bonnie. Bonnie turned fully at his brother frowning. "Sorry," He started and rubbed his left arm while looking at the floor while Spring was in front of him, his lip bit, arms folded and resting his body on his left hip, uh really gayly, ...if that is even a word. "I just wanna wear costumes again," He continues then looked over at me. "like Gold said for the fun of it." He finished sadly and Spring looked at me smiling a little and I gave a little nod back at him. "Okay then," Spring starts and ruffled Bonnie's hair playfully making Bonnie look up smiling a little. "Oh come on!" Freddy shouts in annoyance and we all looked at him in annoyance too. "Shut up Freddy!" We all yell at him making his eyes wide and ears flop down. "Okay.." He whispers and raised his arms in a surrender. "So.. I was thinking Ghostbusters?" Bonnie asks and I look back at him with wide eyes. "That's a great idea!" I beam and so did Spring while Freddy folded his arms looking away. "Hey," He starts and we look back at him our eyes narrowed. "'Dickweeds' as Bonnie would say, we should get to class, bell is about to ring." He says plainly with his arms folded. "We can talk more about it at lunch." I suggest and Bonnie nodded and Spring shrugged.

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