Chapter four: Fleeing the maddness

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Chapter Four

POV: Luna Cullen

"No way am I putting Luna in danger like that, we just got her." Rose protested. They where still fighting about the whole explanation thing. Edward and Bella had joined into the argument and some other wolfs had came into this as well. This had to end and I knew exactly what to do. There was no time to think this through, I look at Embry and hoped that he knew what I was hinting. Okay,




I quickly jumped the ditch and sprinted a safe distance away and waited for Embry in a second he was in front of me, well his wolf was, some shorts in his mouth. He went into some near trees and I'm guessing changed into his human form.

"Thanks for doing this for me." Embry said when he came out from the bushes.

"I just need to know what's going on around here." I Said leaning on a tree. "So explain."

"Where still not alone." He said, looking past me. "Even my own pack doesn't trust me with you." He muttered.

"We can't run from everyone." I pointed out. "Just spit it out, I'm sure my family are all deciding weather to come get me and break the treaty."

"Okay how do I start...?"

"How about what imprinting is." I suggested.

"Imprinting is a wolf thing; it's when a wolf finds 'the one'-"I interrupted him.

"So it's like love at first sight?" I raised one eyebrow.

"No it's not like love at first sight its more like... like when you see her everything changes. All of a sudden it's not gravity holding you to the planet, it's her, nothing else matters. You would do anything, be anything for her." (Yes this parts from the movie.)

"Then why did you choose me for? Don't I get a say in this?" I felt a surge of anger go though me. He doesn't have some kind of wolf dibs on me, I may be half vampire but I'm still human.

"It's not something I can control!"

"Can't you just re-imprint on someone normal?" I said in a rush. As soon as the word came out I wanted to take them back.

"Normal? Luna, why in the world would I want anyone else but you?" He looked down and brushed his hand on my cheek, his touch was warm and comforting it sent tingles through my whole body, I had never felt this emotion in my entre life.

"I-I should get back home." I sprinted away and jumped the ditch where Alice was still standing "Where's Rose, Emmett, Jasper, Edward and Bella?" I asked when I reached them.

"Edward took Bella home and the rest went back to the house." She explained. "What happened out there?"

"Nothing." I put on a fake smile. "Race you home." I sprinted away before she could see the lie behind my smile.


I walked into the kitchen and found Rose looking out the window.

"Rose..." I started "I'm sorry about today."

"No don't apologise, its not your fault, he imprinted on you." She said turning to face me. "I understand it now, how it works I mean."

"You do?" I hardly knew myself.

"Well, not really I just know its something he can't control."

"Thanks for understanding, because..."

"Because what?" She said gritting her teeth.

"Because Embry is coming in 15 minutes..." I waited for her reaction. "Rose are you okay?" I saw a mix of emotions flash in her eyes, anger, sadness, rage it all boiled up in her liquid topaz eyes.

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