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Yesterday was.... amazing. You got to talk to your bias of all times, Jimin, and better yet, you got to hold his hand. The first time you saw him in person, he looked incredibly familiar.

He looks really familiar, but you can't figure out who. Every time you go online and search up his photos, it seems like you know him.

Jimin almost looks like your long-distant best friend, Jiminie. Jiminie was your best friend until he moved back to Busan. It happened years ago.......


You were blindfolded and pulled, not knowing where you were going. It seemed like you were being dragged around the school until Jiminie stop." Can I take my blindfold off now" you ask impatiently, he takes the blindfold off.

When the blindfold was off, you realised that you were in the school's garden.

"Jiminie, what are we doing here?" you ask, " I have a surprise for you, Princess" he answers " follow me". You follow him to a garden dome. In the dome, there was a table and two chairs set with a pot of flowers in the middle.

" Wow, Jiminie! This is incredible" you exclaim while looking around. You both take a seat, and admire the garden's view.

You both stay quiet till Jiminie speaks up."Princess Heart, like I said I have surprise for you", he takes a white box out of his backpack, and hands it to me. You open the box, and gasp.

In the box was a necklace with a heart. In the back of the heart, your name was carved on to it. " Jiminie, why did you give me this beautiful necklace" you ask, "I wanted to" Jiminie answers " and cuz it's your birthday".

I have a necklace like that so we will always remember each other forever in our hearts"

(End of Flashback]

Ever since then, you still have that necklace.

(Jimin's POV)

That girl...... Y/N, she sounds familiar. From that hair to that cute smile, it loooks like I know her. But, I just don't know who.

"Earth to Jimin, earth to Jimin" repeated Hoseok hyung "Are you still thinking about Y/N?". "Hyung what are you talking about?" Jimin asks, "Oh my gawd Jiminie, you keep on zoning out during our meetings" answers  Hoseok.

"Ok,I'll stop". But, I can't....

Thanks for the read❤️

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