Part 3: the first fight.

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Dawn kissed the night away as it touched the mountain side. The golden spring morning glow of the sun light dusted the trees waking birds and small creatures. The Celtic woodland played its magical music through out the rise of the sun. The green glisten of the sprouting leaves clashed with the cherry blossom. The remains of last years autumn few away to make room for the sprouting flowers. The sound of dogs barking in the far off hills echoed creating chaos for the neighbours.

The morning was blue and peaceful after the awakening of the forest on the hill side.

Winter was sat in the centre of the field listening to the celtic breeze and watched the sun kiss the horizon. She was alone.

Her new short black hair that was shaped at the bottom of her neck and tickled the edge of the chain around it her fringe was cut diagonally and covered her left eye as it flowed gently with the breeze. The baggy hoodie that she was given by Francis drowned her small thin body. Her jeans were purple and clung to her thighs.

Francis slowly approached her, "your up early not like you to be early". He sat beside her gazing upon her blue eyes as she looked back at him. "I... I couldn't sleep, and i could say the same for you".

Francis leaned towards her wrapping his gentle arms around her tired body. They laid in the long grass. Its long lush green stems tickled their senses as the watched the sun wake the earth. A few seconds later winter fell in to a deep sleep. Still wrapped in Francis's arms: safe soft and warm. He held her lovingly and with his tender grip on her hip, he ran his paw along her side.

He watched over her as she slept on his chest. The warm red glow from her pale cheeks were a ray of sunshine and filled his heart with hope.

She began to cry during her sleep. As a tear tickled down her face it had a firey glow almost like liquid fire. He swept it away with his thumb. He soon learned that that was no ordinary tear it was red hot and felt like a drop of boiling water from a kettle just landed onto the tip of his thumb. Puzzled. He laid there starring at her.

She finally awoke from her troubled sleep.

"whats wrong"?.

He didn't reply to her, he just looked at her strangely.

"Francis, you know that I don't like it when you look at me like that and then not say whats troubling you..." she placed her soft pale hand on to his warm cheek.

"seriously hun I'm fine, nothing is bothering me. I promise".

After a while of looking up at the clouds. Francis pounced back up on his feet, grabbing Winter's hand helping her to stand.

They strolled hand in hand down to the woods at the bottom of the green field. Little did they know that the forest was filled with magic and mysterious creatures. As they walked they came across a glittering river that slipped all the way through the enchanted forest, the river led to a deep blue lake that dazzled and sparkled as the sun peaked through the gaps of the trees. Two beautiful swans were perched on the water side by side.

The couple wondered through the deep magical forest. Blue butterflies danced around their heads and pixie dust floated from their wings.

They walked further. Winter let go of Francis's hand and ran like a wolf with its pack. Chasing freedom. But came to a sudden stop. She cautiously walked forward. This part of the woods looked dark and thick. Not at all like the other part. Temptation dragged her further. She paused and fell to her knees in submission as the images of the fire surrounded her.

"memories, cant control when they remind you of your past" a deep voice teased

Winter looked around. All she saw was a pair of bright dead eyes starring at her. Getting closer and closer. Scared and unsure, she rose to her feet.

Her small thin body was tight with fear. His blank emotionless eyes starred her down with anger and hatred. As it gazed in to her frightened eyes that turned a burning crimson this a yellow outline. She stared him down as her fright froze her still. The voice and the pair of red eyes became a dark figure with a dark aura that lit up around it.

"This aint good" the mumbled to her self

She turned like a swift swallow curving around in the sky. Sprinting like a small wolf cub: she dashed through the trees. Twigs breaking under her feet. Old leaves kicked up from behind her. She ran and ran. She glanced behind her to see if it was behind her. It was. She turned to focus on where she was going. Little did she know that there was a tree standing, minding its on business. When Winter smashed straight into the tall, old oak tree. Dizzy: but she carried on. She hid be hind the closest shrub she could find. Sat down tucked behind a died down pine bush. She only thought is was over. As soon as she looked to her right. She saw it. A pale skull face blank eyes that could pierce through your soul if it wanted to.

Winter screamed. Francis heard her and dashed rapidly racing against the wind "Winter!" he yelled in sheer panic.

He reached to where she and the creature stood. Its dagger like grip held on tightly to Winters thin arm if it held any tighter it would snap her arm. Francis stood dead still as winter struggled for freedom.

"Let her go!" he yelled angrily

The creature grabbed her shoulder and forced her to her knees on to the sharp hard ground.

Winter struggled and struggled. Her strength was no match for the dark creature. Suddenly a burst of fire from her burned his steel, dagger like fingers.

Francis was shocked at what he had just witnessed. He instantly ran over to his girl and wrapped his arms around her small hour-glass body.

"How cute. A fire guardian and a human." the creature mocked the couple.

"I'm a what?"

The creature said nothing else. It just approached. Winter pushed francis way from her. She closed her eyes and imagined the fire surrounding her. As she reopened them her hands had caught a flame. She looked at her hands confused but interested. As she flung her arm a wolf made of fire sprang out and attacked the dark creature.

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