Chapter seven;

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I was a heavy sleeper so it surprised me when I woke up and it still seemed like morning. As my senses came too I realised I could feel a small weight around my waist and my body was pressed against something warm. My heart started to race in my chest as I couldn’t figure out why I could feel someone. I slowly raised my head and peeked out of one eye; when I moved the arm that was snaked around my waist tightened.

I could now see my head was on someone’s chest; then I saw a face. It was Noah’s face. Suddenly the events of yesterday came pouring into my mind making me panic thinking about it. I lay there thinking about the ways to move without waking him up; I would have stayed still if I actually liked the guy.

I decided to move his arm first then try and sit up while keeping him asleep. I didn’t hate him so much that I would wake him up; it was a well-known fact most teenagers love their sleep.

As I tried to release myself from his arm he tightened his grip again forcing me to pry his arm off. Once had that out of the way I started sitting up, when I was half way there he decided it would be a great time to roll over.

“Fantastic.” My sarcasm was not at its finest at this time of day. I was now pinned to the floor by half of Noah’s body. The proximity gave me a chance to study his face. His face looked completely calm with not an imperfect feature; his lips were full and pink; his nose was long and straight. I had a thing for jaw lines, always had always will, and his jaw line was spectacular. He had black long eyelashes to match his black hair that was short and a little spiked up from sleeping. He looked cute when he was asleep. Wait! What was I thinking, Noah and cute do not go in the same sentence.

I knew I was going to have to wake him up and soon because I was losing my breath.

“Noah, would you please get off me.” His brown eyes began to flutter to attention.

“Huh?” He groaned, telling me he blatantly was not a morning person.

“I can’t breathe!” I gasped.

“Maeve?” He was obviously still in doo-dah land. “Oh right sorry.” He realised he was on top of me when his hand wrapped around my waist. Noah rolled off me letting the oxygen come back into my body.

“Thank you.”

“Yeah, sorry about that.” He smiled shyly at me making a shiver go up my spine.

“It’s fine. So what are we going to do today?” I grinned at him trying to focus on the fact we were locked in.

“You promised me twenty questions.” He said after thinking a while. “Would you like to go first Maeve?”

“You can ask first.” He grinned like he had a whole load of questions for me.

“Question one; who’s your boyfriend?”

“Way to get straight to the point. I don’t have one.” His face fell in shock when I said my last sentence.

“How can you not have one?” He gasped.

“Excuse me Noah but I believe it’s my turn.” He nodded in response obviously dying to ask me. “Question one; Do you have a girlfriend if so who?”

“I use to. Right you know what your question is.” Noah grinned at me again.

“Just because I go to an all boy school doesn’t mean I have to have a boyfriend.”

“Hurry and ask me I have another question.” The excitement radiating off Noah was funny to watch.

“Question two; what happened to you and your girlfriend?”

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