Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Everyone's face darkened.

"Wha-what do you mean we don't have a lead singer?" Asked Jordan, terrified.

"Where's Jason? Why can't he sing?"

"Jason called and told me his throat is swollen to the size of a tangerine. There's no way he can sing."

"He'll still be able to play, just not use his voice."

Everyone took a moment of silence to fully digest what they've just heard. Their songs were so dependent on vocals that the music wouldn't matter that much if there was no one singing. They know that this meant that they had to cancel their very first gig. They have played a few shows at clubs and small restaurants, but this was the first show they got to play with an audience as big as this. 

None of them said a word for what seemed like ages of hearing nothing but the wind blowing through the minute holes in the garage door.

"So now what?" Asked Jordan, breaking the long silence.

"Are we just going to quit?" He continued.

"We don't have much of a choice." Said Jesse.

"Vocals are like 58 percent of our entire show. If we go and just play music, we'd just suck."

"I  wouldn't even listen to us and go grab a hot dog or something."

"Perfect." Says Jordan.

"So now we're not even better than a couple of hot dogs." 

"Lose the attitude, Jordan. I'm not in the mood for it." Said Jesse impatiently.

"Hey! Don't take it out on me! It's not my fault Jason ate too much ice cream or whatever he did to get himself sick." Said Jordan.

"Oh yeah. What did happen to Jason that made him that sick?"

"He said it was something he inherited. Whatever he has runs in his family." Replied Jesse.

"So does that mean he'll be getting this a lot?" Asked Austin.

"What if we go on tour? We can't just cancel a tour because we think something might happen to his voice."

Jesse let out a sigh.

The room went quiet again.

"I'll sing." Declared Austin.

"You'll what?!" Jordan exclaimed.

"Like you said; we don't have much of a choice." Said Austin.

"Jason will get better, but we can't be sure when he will."

"I can fill in for Jason until his voice comes back."

 "But you can't si-"

"No. He's right." Said Jesse not letting Jordan finish.

"If we want to keep going. We'll have to do whatever it takes."

"And Austin's not that bad."

Austin wasn't bad. Austin was actually a phenomenal singer. He used to sing along to the songs he listened to on that small radio he had. His parents had heard him sing a couple of times as they walked past his room and knew what he had was special, but they never encouraged him to grow up as a singer. That was mostly because they would hear what happened to famous singers everyday. Suicidals, drug addicts even maniacs. They definitely didn't want their son to grow up and be like any of those.

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