Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Listen up, people." Jesse announced, capturing everyone's focus.

"This is it."

"Tomorrow we get to play our biggest gig yet."

"We can't afford any mistakes."

"A lot of people go to this festival every year."

"And if the tide turns for us, some big record company owner'll be there... not to mention the entire town."

"What you need to do now is just focus... Forget anything else, go home, get your rest and be here tomorrow at 8 am."

"We've done all we can. And hopefully that'll be good enough."

"Jason... try not talking to anyone."

"Austin... you too."

"And Jordan? Just... stay out of trouble." Said Jesse sounding somewhat desperate.

Jordan gave him a menacing grin.

They've been rehearsing day and night ever since Jason lost his voice.

They got kicked out a couple of times by Jesse's parents for staying too long in the garage, well, not literally kicked out.

And Austin got into countless arguments with his parents about the whole 'coming home late' issue. He didn't care that much, though. All he had in mind was setting the bar, reaching it and going the extra mile, because, in the end, this is all he had. If he doesn't get to play music, then he might as well curl up in a hole and just die.

"Got it?" Jesse continued.

"Fresh drum sticks, spare guitar picks and get your own cables."

"Now, go home before my parents kick us out again."

Austin got home, exceedingly tired, attempting to gather a couple hours of sleep with no luck.

His brain wouldn't shut up all night.

Eventually, he managed to cool down the excitement runing through his head and slept peacefully.



"This is big." He thought as he heard the thunderous screams of the crowd. The stage was set up outdoors which added to the amount of noise they had to deal with.

The number of people who actually showed up was surreal.

He let out a sigh as he looked out from behind the curtains, on the left wing of the stage, and recognized some of the kids that go to his school.

"Well. I guess it's now or never."

"Hey, Hewley!" Jesse yelled from behind.

Austin turned around.

"Get over here!"

"We'll have to get out there any minute now."

"Geez. Could you just concentrate right now? I need you to focus."

"Sorry, I uh, drifted away a bit."

"Well this is no time to daydream. They're going to signal us when to go out from the right wing. Focus on that." Said Jesse, practically yelling so could cover over the loud noise audience was making.

"Right. Okay." Said Austin.

A few minutes later, the tall guy wearing a cap at the other wing waved and Austin and the others understood that that was the signal.

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