Chapter 4

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'This isn't working out anymore.'

'What do you mean? '

'I don't feel the same way towards you. It'd be better to just be friends. Sorry.'

'What! Don't you know how much I like you? I risked everything for you!'

He just shook his head and started to walk away.

'Wait! Let's talk about this okay? If you still won't change your mind then.. I understand. Just.. meet me tomorrow okay?'

A blaring alarm startled him awake. He shot up. His breath came out in heavy pants. His hands found the soft cloth below him. Fingers curled inward to grip it but quickly released feeling moisture. The bed sheets were wet. He felt his shirt to see it was also soaked.

His pants slowed until his breathing was at it's normal pace. The ringing still continued to pierce his ears. His eyes journeyed over to his alarm clock. He hit the off button. The alarm continued to sound.

Brushing his bangs back, he slipped out of bed.

As soon as he had left his room, his eyes were hit with a grey cloud. It thickened by the second and floated through the living room. Recognition dawned on him. He sighed. Not again.

Entering the kitchen, he discovered a sauce pan with a burnt blob of what was presumably food, fried onto the bottom of the pan. He moved his (s/c) hand and grabbed the handle. Lifting, Kaji moved the pan onto a different burner and turned the stove dial off.

Shifting over, he opened the fridge door and pulled out the half empty backing soda. Popping the foldable top open, he pored the white power over the pan until the flames were smothered. Setting the box down, his green eyes scanned the living room until he saw a leg dangling off the couch. He rolled his eyes.
Walking over to the couch, he pulled on the leg until the body attached to it slipped off the couch. A muffled moan could heard.

"What?" (h/c) locks swept to the side as the girl sat up. "What happened?" She turned around to be met with glaring eyes.

"You fell asleep again and burnt all the food, again."

She gave a sheepish apology "Sorry I lost track of time."

His eyes narrowed until they were just slivers. She stared back, her shoulders shrinking down, until her eyes slid away to stare at the wall. She wondered why it looked so pleasant this morning. How long did the sheet rock take to get made? Did the wall have any children? She'd certainly have to stare until she becomes one with it to find out.

"Just clean it up and don't ever cook again. I cook and you clean when Aunt isn't around remember? I don't want to die in my sleep." He pulled out a step later from the closet and fiddled with the smoke detector. With a pop, it opened and he removed the batteries. The alarm ceased.

"Also" his eyes slid down to meet hers. "I won't tell her if you let me use your laptop for a week." Y/N shot up.

"What!? I've got a competition for (favorite video game) coming up soon!"

"That's my price for silence. Plus you'll do fine." He smirked. She glared and scoffed. "Fine" she mumbled.


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