Chapter 1

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AN- This series is rated mature for adult themes. Future chapters may have gore, suicide/suicidal thoughts, torture, death, kidnapping and triggering content. But for sure the series will have cursing, violence, and sexual content. You have been warned. If any of these themes cause any problems for you at all, please do not read.

This storyline will be based mainly on the  anime of Boku no Hero but may diverge since other original characters will be involved. And of course, you the reader is here as well.

I do not own Boku no Hero, nor any of the pictures or ect used. All rights go to their respective owners. I only own the OCs created in this fanfic.

Thank you for reading, I apologize for all current and future mistakes.



A pair of shoes crunched on the soft white sand, leaving foot prints behind.

“Wow" Her eyes scanned the beach. "They really cleaned up this place since the last time I was here. Now I don’t have to go all the way across town to take a dip anymore.”  Her feet stopped in front of the water's edge. The waves gently crashed against the sand and the seagulls squawked in the distance.  Her nostrils flared, breathing in the salty air. A content sigh slipped from her lips.

She missed this.

The wind blowing, the sun's bright rays, and even the cold temperature of water in winter. She missed it all. Her thoughts began to wonder to her friends: a messy greenette and a spiky haired blond.

Successive beeping interrupted her thoughts. She looked down, the source of the noise coming from her wrist.  Her watch flashed red in time with the beeps. The small hand pointed to the 8 and the long hand pointed to the 12.

8 am.

“I’ve still got some time.” She mumbled to herself.

There was no one here except for the crab attacking her shoelaces. Her hand reached down and grabbed the back of her shoe, slipping it off.

“Just enough for a quick swim.”


It was the month of February and the 26th of February to be precise. This wasn’t any normal month of love though. This February was special, particularly this day- the 26th. It was the day of the U.A. high school entrance exam.

Hundreds of teens had arrived for the exam including Izuku Midoriya. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of excitement, anxiousness, and doubt. He had just gotten his mighty breakfast (if you can call it that) from All Might himself. But had yet to test out if it had actually worked or not.

“Deku, get out of my way now before I set you on fire.”

Izuku sputtered out a morning greeting, fully displaying his nervousness from Katsuki”s words.

“G-Good morning, good luck-“

But the blond simply ignored him and walked passed.

“Is he still being an ass to you?”

A hand was gingerly placed upon Izuku's shoulder. His body slightly jumped from the contact and his eyebrows shot upwards. He turned and momentarily froze upon seeing who the owner of the arm belonged too. But that didn’t last more than a second before he broke into an ear to ear smile.

“Y/N! Your applying here too?”

“Yup, wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

She couldn’t miss it even if she wanted to. After all, she had to go to this school. It was part of the deal.

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