Welcome Home

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     Lacey fell asleep a little while later and Misha rocked Sofiel in his arms. He kept thinking about the name that was chosen, and how it needed a middle name to go with it. He looked into her beautiful blue eyes and the perfect middle name came to mind. Just as he thought of a middle name, Lacey woke up. “Baby I have the perfect middle name!” Misha practically yelled. Lacey perked up.

     “What is it?” Lacey was excited to hear the name Misha thought of.
     “Francesca.” Misha smiled and Lacey gasped.

     “Mish that's beautiful. Sofiel Francesca Collins.” Misha smiled wider. Lacey giggled and the doctor came in.

     “Do you have a name yet?” She asked while setting some paperwork on a table. Lacey nodded. “Awesome. You can sign the birth certificate and go home.” She handed Misha the paperwork and he wrote the name down and signed it. He gave it back to the doctor and she smiled. “Thank you. You're free to go home!” She said cheerily. Lacey smiled and stood up. She headed to the bathroom to change. She came back out and saw Misha waiting for her. He was holding Sofiel and she was playing with his fingers. Lacey smiled and Misha looked up at her. He was happy and she saw the joy in his eyes.

     “Ready to go home?” Misha asked while Lacey grabbed her bag. She nodded and smiled.

     “Yeah Mish. I'm not sure how much longer I can stay in this hospital room.” Lacey smiled and Misha laughed.

     “Alright let's go home.” Misha kissed Lacey's forehead and they went home.

     When they arrived, they grabbed Sofiel and brought her inside, planning on putting her down to nap. She slept well while they talked about babysitters and necessities. They ended up letting Jared and Jensen know that they would be the babysitters. They agreed after a while and Lacey and Misha were happy with the situation.

     Lacey became pregnant again, and gave birth to another girl named Celeste Lynn. Sofiel was three when Celeste was born, and she was excited to become a big sister. Lacey never went back to
playing the role of Tayla, because she was busy with taking her daughters to school and working herself. She was happy and she told Misha every night after he got home from work. She attended a few conventions, and every fan seemed to love it when she accompanied Misha, with the exception of a few. She never had any more children after Celeste and she talked to her parents quite often about what was going on in her life. She never expected to have the best family and the best children, as well as the best husband. Yes, Lacey and Misha got married right before she became pregnant with Celeste, but it was a small wedding with only about twenty five people attending. It was beautiful and she was stoked to be called Lacey Collins instead of Lacey Padalecki. She loved Misha and her daughters with everything she had, and she never felt this love for anyone ever before.

The End

     Hey guys! That's the end of the story! Don't worry, I'm going to write a full Castiel x reader for you guys! I will tell you guys about that story later. I hope you enjoyed this story! I ran out of ideas in the end. The story needed to end though. Thank you so much for reading this! I love you all!

Love Knows No Bounds (Misha Collins x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now