Sleepover With Misha Collins!

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     Misha pulled into the driveway of a beautiful house. Lacey smiled. “This is a beautiful house Mish.” “Thanks. I built it.” Lacey's eyes were wide. “That's so cool!” Misha chuckled. He walked to the front door and let Lacey go inside before him. She walked inside and stopped suddenly. “Oh my...” Misha came in and saw Lacey in shock. He stood beside her and looked around with her. She came back into reality and looked at Misha. “Dmitri! This is amazing!” He smiled and kissed her forehead.

     He started walking when he stopped. He turned around and looked at her. “Follow me.” She followed him upstairs and kept looking around. He walked into a bedroom that had a queen-size bed, a dresser, a walk-in closet, and a bathroom connected to the bedroom. “This is my room. We can hang out in here or downstairs. I don't care.” “Alright.” Lacey looked around and realized something. “Uh, Mish? I gotta use the restroom.” “Down the hall, to the right.” “Thanks.” She went to the guest bathroom and saw that she was on her period. “Oh god...” She didn't have a supplies so she stuffed toilet paper in her underwear and washed her hands. She walked away and told herself to ask Misha to see if he had anything in his house.

     “Misha? I uh, I umm...” “Spit it out Lay Lay!” Misha said. “Ok. I'm on my 'you know' right now, and I don't have anything.” He nodded in understanding. “Come here.” Lacey followed him into a pantry that was hidden in the basement. “You never know what could happen so I keep a stash of supplies here just in case.” He gave you a couple pads and a few different size tampons. “Thanks Mish. You're the best.”

     After doing her business, she went into Misha's bedroom and he wasn't there. She heard her phone buzz and she saw a text from Jared.

D: Hey Sweetheart! You can sleep over if you want to. Just be careful.😉

L: Hi Dad! I'll have to see if Mish is ok with me staying. I'll be careful!😜

D: Ok let me know if you're staying!😆

L: Okie!😄

     Lacey walked downstairs and saw Misha in the kitchen. “Hi Mish!” “Hey Lace! Can I call you that too since you call me Dmitri?” “Sure Mish!” “What's up?” “Dad said I could stay over so... Can I stay?” “Of course! Do you want to sleep in my room or should I get the guest room ready?” Lacey thought about it for a few seconds. “I'll sleep in your room.” She paused. “I kinda want to sleep in the same bed as you. I always liked to hug a pillow when I went to bed. If you don't want to though, that's ok.” Misha smiled. “I would be more than happy to sleep in the same bed as you.” Lacey smiled and wrapped her arms around Misha's neck. “I love you.” She whispered. “I love you more.” She let go of Misha and looked into his ocean blue eyes. He leaned in and kissed her softly. She kissed back and pulled away for air. She giggled and looked at her feet. Misha offered his hand to her and she took it. They both walked upstairs hand in hand.

     They walked into Misha's bedroom and Lacey sat on the bed. Misha looked busy so Lacey decided to stay quiet. Misha grabbed a pair of black sweatpants and a white T-shirt. He gave the outfit to Lacey. “You can change into this because I'm sure you don't want to wear your clothes from the convention.” Lacey nodded. “You can change in my bathroom.” Misha told Lacey. She walked into the bathroom and closed the door. She changed and came back out just as Misha was putting a shirt on. She noticed that her pants were so big, they were about to fall down. She pulled the drawstring and tightened them to fit her waist. Misha noticed and laughed. Lacey smiled and looked at him. She remembered she needed to tell Jared about staying. She walked over to her stuff and grabbed her phone.

L: I can stay!😁

D: That's awesome! Have fun!😉

L: No Dad, no. I'm not doing that with him! Jeez!😑

D: If you say so!😊

     She decided not to respond. “Jeez.” She sighed. “What?” Misha walked over to her and looked over her shoulder at her phone. He laughed and walked back over to where he was. “My father's insane. I'm 17!” Misha chuckled. “He's allowing you to date me so he can't be that insane. Unless that's why he's insane.” “Nah. That's okay. That's the best part about this. When I was at the orphanage I thought that I would never meet you, let alone date you.” Misha smiled. “I'm glad I met you. My life is way better now because of you. Even if we haven't known each other that long.” Lacey giggled. “Yeah. I'm tired Mish. I know it's early but it's been a long day. You don't have to go to bed yet if you don't want to.” “Im tired too. If we go to bed now, we can wake up earlier and make breakfast.” Lacey nodded. She got in the bed and Misha got in on the other side. “Goodnight Lay Lay.” “Goodnight Mish.”

     Lacey woke up and Misha wasn't in the bed. She got out of bed and walked downstairs. Misha was in the kitchen drinking water. “Good morning Lace.” “Good morning Dmitri.” He smiled at the nickname. “What should we have for breakfast?” Lacey asked. “Chocolate chip pancakes!” Misha yelled like a child. “Yes!” Lacey yelled as loud as Misha. He laughed and grabbed the pancake mix. He made the pancakes and gave Lacey a plate of three. “Thanks Mish.” “Your welcome Lace.” Lacey poured way too much syrup on purpose and giggled. Misha shook his head. “How are you not fat?” Lacey shrugged her shoulders. She ate her pancakes and put her dish in the dishwasher. She went upstairs and her phone buzzed.

D: Good morning! How was your night?😏

L: It was fine. I'll tell you about it later.😊

D: Ok. I'll pick you up at 12.😘

L: Okie!😁

     Lacey looked at the time. 10:51 a.m. She sighed and walked downstairs. She say by Misha on the couch. “Dad's picking me up at 12:00. ” “Okay. What do you wanna do?” Lacey shrugged her shoulders. “How about we watch Supernatural?” Lacey giggled. “Ok which episode?” Misha asked. “Season 4 episode 1!” Lacey yelled and Misha chuckled. They watched the episode and Lacey decided to change back into her outfit from yesterday. She came back down and Misha was talking to Jared. Lacey walked over. “Hi Dad!” “Hey Sweetheart! Time to go.” Lacey nodded and hugged Misha. She grabbed her bag and walked with Jared to his car. She got in and Jared started driving home.

     I know this one's a lot longer but I hope you enjoyed. It's the weekend for me so the next chapter will be up soon!

Love Knows No Bounds (Misha Collins x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now